#TOOCOOLTUESDAY: YOU HAVE DONE IT AGAIN... no sooner have we hit the 30K target of Followers and Likes at our Pedter Cushing Appreciation Society Facebook Fan Page you go and add another 1K to that total in a VERY short space of time indeed! You really are the best. Thank you to all of you, who show up every day, comment, share posts and share your friendship. Not only are we the oldest Peter Cushing Fan Club, we are by a long chalk the luckiest to have you all on board!
MANY MANY, thanks to Nick Digillio and his team at WGN for their continued interest and support, Andrea Corbetta and his team at The Professor comic, you guys do a sterling job! To the sponsors of our competitions, Warner Brothers, Twilight Time, Final Cut and Hammer films. AND You, who make it ALL possible. You keep the memory of Peter Cushing alive and relevant, his life and career continues to attract interest and comment every day. I am sure, he would have been very humbled. STEP OUT and Thank you! - Marcus Brooks

#TOOCOOLTUESDAY!: AND NOW, as they say, for something completely different! This is a REPOST requested by MAXY COOPER, who wrote to tell me that, she had heard about 'this, 3D View-Master with 3D pictures from Dracula AD 1972, which is my all time favorite Hammer film. Where can I purchase? I hope they aren't THAT expensive! Thanks' I am not too sure how to break this to you, Maxy. Back two years ago, I was sent this add for the special edition '3D DRACULA AD 1972 VIEW_FINDER', and at first glance, I was taken in. On further inspection, I could see this was a very clever and imaginative hoax! Sorry, Maxy. But, what a GREAT IDEA! As small compensation, here is the illustration I posted a while back. And, to any entrepreneur, with a bag of money, who has an imagination and happens to be a Cushing / Lee / Hammer Fan . . you could be onto something here..!

WE ARE POSTING A TWO PART #TOOCOOLTUESDAY TODAY . . . . If you want to find out MORE about that STUNNING Cushing Bust above, we'll be posting Part Two and more photographs here, later today!
If you LIKE what you find posted here . . Please visit us at our daily themed posts at our PCAS FACEBOOK FAN PAGE and help Keep The Memory Alive!
Peter Cushing Appreciation Society website, facebook fan page and
youtube channel are managed, edited and written by Marcus Brooks, PCAS
coordinator since 1979. PCAS is based in the UK and USA.