Showing posts with label van helsing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label van helsing. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 June 2020


A WONDERFUL QUOTE from Peter Cushing, with his touching and typical shy depreciation... 'Well, because of some...all sorts of reason' says he 😊 Incredible that he almost talked himself out of the role.. and we would never have his Van Helsing! One of my favourite all time Peter Cushing roles for sure

... AND HE PLAYED THEM very well indeed..... and the list is endless πŸ˜„BUT over at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page, I have open the door on asking followers and friends, if there was ever a character he played, that you didn't like?

Thursday, 18 June 2020


SPOILERS: Back at the beginning in 2020 when some of us started to invest eye-ball time in a much promoted and anticipated production the BBC was rolling out, little did we know what was just around the corner for many of us, many of our friends and families.... and now, six months later, have I found time to catch up on trivial matter like entertainment. Last night I watched the BBC serial of Dracula, written by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, starring Claes Bang as Count Dracula and Dolly Wells as Sister Agatha Van Helsing, plus a ship load of other talented cast members. Back in January I had managed to watch episode one and two, but wrapping the series has been out of my reach since then, so watching from scratch, was he treat last night. It was certainly something different, written and created by two pretty obvious fans of Lee, Cushing and Hammer - Gatiss and Moffat! 

THERE'S LOTS OF NODS and visual paying tributes to Hammer, in-particular, 'Dracula AD 1972' and 'The Satanic Rites of Dracula' .. the last of the Cushing/Lee Hammer series of Dracula films. All lovingly presented, sneaked in or peeping around the corner 😏😊The climax of the series also presented elements of the iconic Cushing and Lee 'fight to the death' from the 1958 movie. All very good and full of twists and turns. I couldn't help thinking back to how maybe many of the Hammer fans felt when Dracula AD and Satanic was released! 'What is THIS???' πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰What is it? In my personal opinion, it's all good, exciting and a great turn on a classic and much loved horror-tale, often produced and presented in a modern turn, but of all such modern packages, this was certainly my favourite! Well done, Gatiss and Moffat! Over at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE, I've asked everyone to share their thoughts and opinions on the page post! It will be interesting to find out, what everyone thinks, having a few months to think about it!

REMEMBERING TERENCE FISHER TODAY who passed on this day in 1980. If you enjoy any of the better Hammer films of the 1950's and 60's . . this is the point, you doff your cap πŸ˜‰ There can be few directors who worked for Hammer films, who did so much to develop that Hammer-in-house style. Terence Fisher, WAS Hammer. Along with Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and the players who helped under pin the rich vision of fairy-tale come Gothic nightmare style. Even when the 'monsters' were 'shaky' the script, with more holes than a Swiss cheese... the look, pace and world beautifully styled by Fisher, just sat so well. The Curse of Frankenstein in 1957 was the first, it also lit the rocket that would spin Peter Cushing into a new and long lasting career within the fantasy genre and Christopher Lee, on scraping off the make up and anonymity as 'the monster', would soon don a cloak and a feral shocking performance as Dracula, that set him on path, for more Fisher, Cushing Hammer classics to come. The Mummy, The Gorgon, and The Hound of the Baskervilles, still stand, as maybe the best of Terence Fisher and Hammer. 

TERENCE FISHER was one of the most prominent horror directors of the second half of the 20th century. He was the first to bring gothic horror alive in full colour, and the sexual overtones and explicit horror in his films, while mild by modern standards, were unprecedented in his day. Fisher although aware of the terrifying elements of his Hammer films, would only smile when questioned about their shock factor, and answer...'I make wicked fairy tales...!' Fisher also along with Lee and Cushing, had a wicked sense of humor, hints of which can often been seen on the screen. Given their subject matter and lurid approach, Fisher's films, though commercially successful, were largely dismissed by critics during his career. It is only in recent years that Fisher has become recognised as an auteur in his own right . . .

Friday, 5 June 2020


#HAMMERFILMS #VAMPIREHUNTERS : HAMMER were quite brave and sometimes successful, if a little too late when they moved with times . . a tweak and change with style was something they also tried with their vampires and vampire hunters. One of the best and most imaginative was '#CaptainKronos : Vampire Hunter'.. with very entertaining side kick Grost and charm and sassy attitude from #CarlineMunro, it looked like a game changer, but sadly not to be. A real loss, me thinks β˜ΉοΈπŸ˜• Over at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE I am asking if everyone would rate this film and some of its qualities alongside #PeterCushing's #VanHelsing and a film like, 'The Brides of #Dracula' .. or no?? - Marcus

Tuesday, 26 May 2020


TODAY HERE AT THE PCASUK WEBSITE AND AT THE FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE we mark and celebrate the #BIRTHDAY of one Peter Wilton Cushing OBE born today May 26th 1913

HERE IS A LITTLE SOMETHING to think on today, BUT only today as this a QUICKY COMPETITION that closes 6AM GMT TOMORROW (Wednesday)! Here is YOUR chance to bag yourself a prize, marking Peter Cushing Birthday today. Back in the 60's, 70's and 80's it was a regular task to post and pass on any gifts that arrived for PC for his birthday. It was a busy time. Sadly, this is something we no longer have to do. But back in the day, many loved to shower Peter with gifts. There were many who never missed his birthday. Aftershave, chocolates, books, cufflinks, ties, teddy bears all with cards, notes or letters! 

BUT TODAY ..It's something in our PCASAEU πŸ˜ƒ (Peter Cushing Appreciation Society Alternative and Expanding Universe!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚) we can do πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ So here is the deal, think of a IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING gift you could have sent PC on his birthday, back in 1959!! There are no boundaries, it's a bit of fun! YOU could bag yourself a prize for your suggestion! Just post your BIRTHDAY PRESENT SUGGESTION on the thread today at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page, BEFORE 6am GMT tomorrow! Have Fun and Good Luck!  Our PCASUK MAJOR PC BIRTHDAY COMPETITION will be posted here later today. So, keep your EYES peeled and remember, get IN or miss OUT! πŸ˜‰ See you LATER - Marcus

Saturday, 2 May 2020


TODAY MARKS THE BIRTHDAY of a very special B'day girl, #JoannaLumley! She appeared as Peter Cushing's grand-daughter, in quick bit of recasting for #Hammerfilms in 'The Satanic Rites of #Dracula' (1973) and also appeared with Cushing in 'The Eagle's Nest' the first of the new series 'The New Avengers in 1976. The first episode established the new team, Gareth Hunt as Mike Gambit, Joanna Lumley as #Purdey and Patrick Macnee as John Steed. These two projects are just the very tip of a HUGE career . . glamorous, intelligent, entertaining . . . where would you like to start?? #HappyBirthday Joanna! Have a wonderful day! πŸ˜ƒ #HammerHorror" #JoannaLumleyBirthday! #Dracula #PeterCushing

ABOVE: An interesting and rare peep at both Peter Cushing and Joanna Lumley on set, during the making of 'The Satanic Rites of Dracula' !

OVER AT THE FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE today, I have also posted and shared this rare photograph of  Joanna Lumley together with, not one BUT two very tall men... Christopher Lee who she starred with in Hammer films, 'The Satanic Rites of Dracula' ... but who is the other guy??? He was once a very well known face on UK television. Think you know? Why not zip over to the page and make your suggestion now, it's got some young heads scratching πŸ˜‰ #JoannaLumley #Birthday #ChristopherLee #HammerHorrors!

ABOVE AND BELOW: OH JOANNA ....! #PeterCushing appeared in the first of 'The New Avengers' series, 'The Eagle's Nest'  (1976)


Thursday, 19 March 2020


'NEVER MIND FINDING THE WITCHES.. I found the CANDY and CHOCOLATE!' A fab photo sent to me by Frank N Stein today 😊 We all know that #VincentPrice was a 'choc-o-holic' . .and here is the proof . . it's also heart warming to discover he was a very generous one too! Here is Vincent, while on location filming, in full 'Matthew Hopkins' costume and on a quest though the streets of 1967 #Suffolk #UK... buying a stash of sherbet and chocolate, for himself and the crew of 'Witch-Finder General'! It seems that VP was a '#sherbet' lover too and who can blame him... like the candy and chocolate, Vincent Price was sweet, unique and always leaves me wanting more πŸ˜„πŸ˜‰ - Marcus

UPDATE: ON POSTING this photograph in our daily posts at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE today, PCASUK follower Stuart Carroll, who lives in the town where Price was buying his chocolate all those years ago, saw the PCASUK pic today, and zipped down to the location of where 'Dora Rogers Sweets and Alcohol' store was located all those years ago and snapped this terrific pic of him this morning . .  with chocolate! Many thanks to Stuart for taking the time and effort to do this today and sharing the pic πŸ˜ƒ - Marcus    

#LUSH! My FAVOURITE Peter Cushing lobby still. One of eight, from the UK distributors photographs of pics that would have been displayed in the lobby of cinema or in those wonderful glass cabinets that you would see in the foyer or on the wall outside the entrance of the cinema.. remember those? Because they were hang up, pinned or often hung up in damp glass cabinets and open to the elements, few survive today . . so if they are 90% intact, it's a rarity. All these stills were black and white, but hand tinted in four or less colours. They were cheap to produced and looked better than black and white lobby stills... now, they are worth a fortune! I love the richness of the colours in this one πŸ˜Š It's a wonderful pose of Peter Cushing in his second horror genre role for Hammer films. He would appear as Van Helsing in another four films for Hammer . . and he aged and played the role so wellπŸ˜‰ - Marcus

Thursday, 21 November 2019


#COLLECTINGCUSHING! I once had a weenie-little figure of Peter Cushing as #Tarkin, he really looked wicked and mean.. but he hadn't accounted for the even more wicked and cunning of my tom-cat, Reg! . . chomp..chomp . . I thought you would appreciated this πŸ˜‰ NOW ready as a pre order and will be available early JANUARY 2020. . . #PeterCushing as #Hammerfilms Vampire Hunter : VAN HELSING, now available as a.. 25MM figure! What do YOU think? If you know a Cushing fan, you are having Christmas Dinner with this year, why not pick up one of these ...and slip it in their table cracker??? a neat Cushing-Christmas surprise πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ

WITH HIS HOBBIES in #modelmaking, #theatremodels and the huge collection of #figures and soldiers Peter Cushing made over the years.. I think Cushing would have appreciated and liked this little figure, very much! 😊

THE MAKERS of this figure say only 500 will ever be made and each miniature comes with a numbered gift card! at ONLY Β£4.00 . You can PRE ORDER from : HERE!

TODAY, NOVEMBER 21st, had she lived.. would have been Ingrid Pitt's 82nd birthday. Any regular visitor here will already know, how highly we valued her friendship to our society, her skill as an actress and as a beautiful person who touched everyone's heart who ever met her. Today, we mark her birthday and make a little space, to share how much we still miss her . . . Happy Birthday, Ingrid 😊





Thursday, 7 November 2019


'TO CHRISTINE. Amazing stuff. Thank you so much from Peter Van Helsing, Best Peter Capaldi'

NO, THIS IS INTERESTING! YES?. . Here is a very neat 'multiplicated' photograph of what was a screen grab of Peter Cushing as Van Helsing, from the closing moments of #hammerflms 'Dracula' aka 'Horror of #Dracula' (1958), slaying Christopher Lee's first appearance as 'The Count'. A very talented 'Peter's Capaldi and Cushing' fan, who I believe is called Christine, skilfully pasted Mr Capaldi's head onto the image, providing us with amazing and insightful snap of...what could have been, gracing the BBCUK and Netflix international screens next year. What a TREAT it would have been to have seen PC as Van Helsing, he fits the roles so well, as did... PC A missed opportunity, me thinks. Never mind, we'll get to see an actress play the Vampire Hunter instead. Seriously, I hope this all works out for them What do you think? 

MEANWHILE HERE is Christine's text that accompanied her post of this photograph

"MANY THANKS to #PeterCapaldi who signed one of my Dracpaldi manips during the autograph session at the #Supanova Gold Coast last weekend! . . .I made the Van Helsing/ Dracula 'manips' some months ago; some time later the blog posted two of them. The Peter Capaldi autograph was a birthday present for me from my daughter."

HERE IS HER story about meeting Peter Capaldi - he is such a nice man!β€œMet the amazing Peter Capaldi today at the Supernova Gold Coast to sign two pictures for my little brother and Mum as a birthday present. But I couldn’t afford another Autograph for myself, already had a picture with him, which was such a lovely moment standing next to this kind man.

HE DID MAKE personalised Autographs that day so I told him that this were birthday presents for two other huge fans back home. As I explained him the fanart my mum made, showing him as Peter Cushing ( PC, he was/is a huge fan ), he suddenly had a third picture in front of him and asked for my name. It was so overwhelming and unexpected, I asked him if it’s okay if I could hug him while I tried to handle my tears.Thank you so much PC , it was an unforgeable moment and it still feels unreal.
PETER CAPALDI, for me he is the kindest, gentlest actor and of course my favourite Doctor, always will be.nThank you so much! ~ β€œMany thanks to Peter Van Capaldi!

REMEMBERING: Melissa Stribling who was born today November 7th 1927. Stribling appeared in just the one film with Peter Cushing...but boy did she pick the right one! She also got to play in one of Hammer films most iconic scenes in their 1958 'Dracula', where Christopher Lee's Count, in the dead of night, visits her home and..without a word.. seduces her. The scene is so super charged with sexual tension, it almost crackles off the screen and as a result got the scissors treatment from the censors at the time. In 2013, in Hammer's restored print the exorcised footage was replaced, giving us the full picture of what Director Terence Fisher, Stribling and Lee had originally intended and created.

I'VE READ SEVERAL reviews of 'Dracula' both from the time of the films' release in 58 and in more recent times, that Stribling was a curious choice for the role of Mina Holmwood, that compared to the likes of Valerie Gaunt and other Hammer actresses, even though she was only in early 30's when she appeared in Dracula, many thought her slightly ordinary and plain. I totally disagree...but if that was the case, I can't help thinking that, director Fisher's choice in Stribling was intentional. That subtext in the story of Arthur Holmwood's wife being frustrated and bored, suddenly being charmed and seduced by the exotic and erotic Count, Stribling was...the perfect choice.

REMEMBERING DAVID OXLEY. ( November 7th 1920 - October 30th 1985 ) Was there ever a more terrifying, evil, rip snorting, bag of fury than Oxley's portrayal of Sir Hugo Baskerville in the 1959 #Hammerfilms production of 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' starring #PeterCushing as #SherlockHolmes and Christopher Lee as Sir Henry? I must be honest, I actually find him more frightening than the hound! πŸ˜ƒ

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