Showing posts with label hammer horror films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hammer horror films. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 June 2020


A WONDERFUL QUOTE from Peter Cushing, with his touching and typical shy depreciation... 'Well, because of some...all sorts of reason' says he 😊 Incredible that he almost talked himself out of the role.. and we would never have his Van Helsing! One of my favourite all time Peter Cushing roles for sure

... AND HE PLAYED THEM very well indeed..... and the list is endless πŸ˜„BUT over at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page, I have open the door on asking followers and friends, if there was ever a character he played, that you didn't like?

Monday, 22 June 2020


WELL. . . . YES, the sound is somewhat distorted, the visual a bit fuzzy... but here is a rare look onto the set of Peter Cushing's Hammer film, 'Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed' back in 1968. There's some interview with Cushing and Veronica Carlson, and others... plus great sequences of the actual shooting!

BUT I AM SURE the BBC has some crisp and shiny original footage of this in their vaults, that licence payers paid for with the trusted belief that Aunty Beeb would store and look after it, for resources, repeat screenings and cinema archivists to watch and study.... Yes, right.... put another film can on the bonfire Aunty and take care that you don't choke on that lolly and cash sandwich! Enjoy what's left everybody πŸ˜‰ - Marcus

Saturday, 20 June 2020


OVER AT UK Peter Cushing Appreciation society Facebook Fan Page we have just shared a 'cracker ' of a newly source VINTAGE INTERVIEW with #CHRISTOPHERLEE shot on the set of Hammer films latest addition to their DRACULA series, 'DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE' in 1968. Lee talks about his Hammer films up to this point, the make used in playing his first role for Hammer with Peter Cushing, the creation in 'The Curse of Frankenstein' in 1957 and how he thinks Dracula is NOT a horror character, and how difficult he finds it to play the Count!' It's great to see Lee quite sparky and at the top of his game! You can go straight to this post at the FAN PAGE on what is our WEEKLY Christopher Lee Saturday! :  HERE!

MORE DRACULA but of a different kind...TODAY we also remember actor DAVID PEEL who was born today 19th June 1920. There are few who have made such an impact as Peel. He only appeared in ONE film for Hammer films and I believe only appeared in one film with Peter Cushing.  

ONLY ONE ROLE, one film and yet, enter VAMPIRE HAMMER into google images, and he will appear in most of the pages. Despite the success long after The Brides of Dracula was made...audiences felt a little cheated that it was a DRACULA film, without Dracula!....I suspect that Peel wasn't impressed with either the film or the subject matter. It is good to see today and for the past few years, fans and critics alike now warming to Peel's playing of the Baron. It is sad he is no longer with us though, to see that reward . . .

AN UNHAPPY MAN, with troubles and issues. You probably know, he left the industry early on and went into antiques and real estate, but life for Peel was certainly difficult. We remember him today though, for that one Hammer film and the impressive performance as Baron Meinster, the boy vampire who certainly pushed the boundaries of vampire film!

Thursday, 18 June 2020


SPOILERS: Back at the beginning in 2020 when some of us started to invest eye-ball time in a much promoted and anticipated production the BBC was rolling out, little did we know what was just around the corner for many of us, many of our friends and families.... and now, six months later, have I found time to catch up on trivial matter like entertainment. Last night I watched the BBC serial of Dracula, written by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, starring Claes Bang as Count Dracula and Dolly Wells as Sister Agatha Van Helsing, plus a ship load of other talented cast members. Back in January I had managed to watch episode one and two, but wrapping the series has been out of my reach since then, so watching from scratch, was he treat last night. It was certainly something different, written and created by two pretty obvious fans of Lee, Cushing and Hammer - Gatiss and Moffat! 

THERE'S LOTS OF NODS and visual paying tributes to Hammer, in-particular, 'Dracula AD 1972' and 'The Satanic Rites of Dracula' .. the last of the Cushing/Lee Hammer series of Dracula films. All lovingly presented, sneaked in or peeping around the corner 😏😊The climax of the series also presented elements of the iconic Cushing and Lee 'fight to the death' from the 1958 movie. All very good and full of twists and turns. I couldn't help thinking back to how maybe many of the Hammer fans felt when Dracula AD and Satanic was released! 'What is THIS???' πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰What is it? In my personal opinion, it's all good, exciting and a great turn on a classic and much loved horror-tale, often produced and presented in a modern turn, but of all such modern packages, this was certainly my favourite! Well done, Gatiss and Moffat! Over at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE, I've asked everyone to share their thoughts and opinions on the page post! It will be interesting to find out, what everyone thinks, having a few months to think about it!

REMEMBERING TERENCE FISHER TODAY who passed on this day in 1980. If you enjoy any of the better Hammer films of the 1950's and 60's . . this is the point, you doff your cap πŸ˜‰ There can be few directors who worked for Hammer films, who did so much to develop that Hammer-in-house style. Terence Fisher, WAS Hammer. Along with Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and the players who helped under pin the rich vision of fairy-tale come Gothic nightmare style. Even when the 'monsters' were 'shaky' the script, with more holes than a Swiss cheese... the look, pace and world beautifully styled by Fisher, just sat so well. The Curse of Frankenstein in 1957 was the first, it also lit the rocket that would spin Peter Cushing into a new and long lasting career within the fantasy genre and Christopher Lee, on scraping off the make up and anonymity as 'the monster', would soon don a cloak and a feral shocking performance as Dracula, that set him on path, for more Fisher, Cushing Hammer classics to come. The Mummy, The Gorgon, and The Hound of the Baskervilles, still stand, as maybe the best of Terence Fisher and Hammer. 

TERENCE FISHER was one of the most prominent horror directors of the second half of the 20th century. He was the first to bring gothic horror alive in full colour, and the sexual overtones and explicit horror in his films, while mild by modern standards, were unprecedented in his day. Fisher although aware of the terrifying elements of his Hammer films, would only smile when questioned about their shock factor, and answer...'I make wicked fairy tales...!' Fisher also along with Lee and Cushing, had a wicked sense of humor, hints of which can often been seen on the screen. Given their subject matter and lurid approach, Fisher's films, though commercially successful, were largely dismissed by critics during his career. It is only in recent years that Fisher has become recognised as an auteur in his own right . . .

Saturday, 6 June 2020


#CHRISTOPHERLEE SATURDAY! Here is something you have probably never seen before! Not something you see everyday.. and I am pretty sure, after some deep research over the past two days.. this may not have been seen by anyone! 

CHRISTOPHER LEE wearing a RED NOSE! The reason? '#ComicRelief - #RedNoseDay 1989' I know that this started in the UK and that the US have also been doing this for some time now too 😊. Las t year, March 15 was Red Nose Day in the United Kingdom and May 23 was Red Nose Day in the United States. For those who are not aware... it's a charity day called Comic Relief / Red Nose Day. Comic Relief started Red Nose Day in 1985 in the U.K., where it's an every-other-year event and has raised $1.2 billion so far. Millions of pounds are raised for charities by the public and celebrities of film, music, and TV who put a hold on their plans for a day or two and help to raise money. The RED NOSE has been a motif I think since it began. In 1989, Christopher Lee also joined in. Weeks before the event, a whole new gang join in and a new band of promotional posters, photographs and tv campaign promos appear everywhere to get everyone ready to part with their lolly and join in! This was Christopher Lee's contribution in 1989.. 

THIS YEAR 2020 marks the 60th anniversary since the release of Hammer films classic 'The Brides of Dracula' with Peter Cushing making his return to the big screen as Van Helsing Vampire Slayer in July 1960. Despite the title, there was no Count Dracula to be seen . . but there was David Peel's Baron Meinster! He may not have been Christopher Lee but I think he too managed to pack quite the punch, in the scary stakes.. no pun intended... as this great rare colour transparency shows! 60 years, wow! I'll start prepping and baking the cake ready for our party?? Over at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE, I've asked you if 'Brides' one of your fav Hammer / Cushing classics? Feel free to join the chat! and comments! - Take care everyone : Marcus

Tuesday, 26 May 2020


TODAY HERE AT THE PCASUK WEBSITE AND AT THE FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE we mark and celebrate the #BIRTHDAY of one Peter Wilton Cushing OBE born today May 26th 1913

HERE IS A LITTLE SOMETHING to think on today, BUT only today as this a QUICKY COMPETITION that closes 6AM GMT TOMORROW (Wednesday)! Here is YOUR chance to bag yourself a prize, marking Peter Cushing Birthday today. Back in the 60's, 70's and 80's it was a regular task to post and pass on any gifts that arrived for PC for his birthday. It was a busy time. Sadly, this is something we no longer have to do. But back in the day, many loved to shower Peter with gifts. There were many who never missed his birthday. Aftershave, chocolates, books, cufflinks, ties, teddy bears all with cards, notes or letters! 

BUT TODAY ..It's something in our PCASAEU πŸ˜ƒ (Peter Cushing Appreciation Society Alternative and Expanding Universe!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚) we can do πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ So here is the deal, think of a IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING gift you could have sent PC on his birthday, back in 1959!! There are no boundaries, it's a bit of fun! YOU could bag yourself a prize for your suggestion! Just post your BIRTHDAY PRESENT SUGGESTION on the thread today at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page, BEFORE 6am GMT tomorrow! Have Fun and Good Luck!  Our PCASUK MAJOR PC BIRTHDAY COMPETITION will be posted here later today. So, keep your EYES peeled and remember, get IN or miss OUT! πŸ˜‰ See you LATER - Marcus

Friday, 17 April 2020


REMEMBERING Master Make Up Artist, Roy Ashton, who was born today 17th April 1909! There is so much you could say about Roy, but his work kind of says it all! So many amazing creations in what was the golden era of Hammer films, Amicus and Tyburn too! I was very humbled to spend time with him at his home and while he was working, and during these times saw at first hand what a true gentleman he was and quite the perfectionist, with a lovely dry wit and friendly character. Roy sadly left us in 1995, but left behind for us, a wonderful and original body of work, that still entertains and frightens us today! Personally, his letters I still treasure, his work I still very much am in awe of, for sure

OVER AT THE FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE I have asked everyone to tell us and share their favourite 'Ashton Creation' in the comments below. BELOW is an impressive filmography of Roy's work. A #HappyBirthday, Roy Ashton a true magician and creator of things of nightmares and dreams too 

The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
The Horror Dracula (1958)
The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958)
The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959)
The Mummy (1959)
The Stranglers of Bombay (1959)
The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (1960)
The Curse of the Werewolf (1960)
The Terror of the Tongs (1961)
These Are the Damned (1962)
The Phantom of the Opera (1962)
Night Creatures (1962) Captain Clegg
The Pirates of Blood River (1962)

ABOVE: A WHILE AGO in one of our weekly PCASUK TUESDAY TOUGHY questions, we celebrated ROY ASHTON'S work with PETER CUSHING in 'Tales from the Crypt' (1972)

Paranoiac (1963)
The Old Dark House (1963)
The Crimson Blade (1963)
Nightmare (1964)
The Evil of Frankenstein (1964)
The Kiss of the Vampire (1964)
The Gorgon (1964)

Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors (1964)
The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb (1964)
The Devil-Ship Pirates (1964)
The Skull (1965)
She (1965)
The Plague of the Zombies (1966)
The Reptile (1966)
The Devil Rides Out (1968)
The House That Dripped Blood (1970)
Hands of the Ripper (1971)
The Devils (1971)
Tales from the Crypt (1972)
The Creeping Flesh (1972)
Asylum (1972)
The Vault of Horror (1973)
The Ghoul (1975)

SEE OUR POSTS every day at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE HERE! and the EXPANDED version here!! EXTRA IMAGES and FEATURES every day here at our WEBSITE!

Monday, 6 April 2020


I WONDER HOW MANY of you remember this, clip that I shared at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE TODAY??? Clever editing and timing using footage of Peter Cushing from the 1963 film, 'The Man Who Finally Died' which also starred actor Stanley Baker . . 

#ChristopherLee SATURDAY! Here is a shot you don't often see, from a contact sheet of many from this day during the production. Director Freddie Francis, with producer Aida Young with Christopher Lee during the making of '#DraculahasRisenfromtheGrave' at Pinewood. Francis had just finished '#TortureGarden' with #PeterCushing for Amicus, and four episodes of the tv series, 'The Man in the Suitcase'! What a variety! Hmmm.. those were the days πŸ˜Š

AND FINALLY TODAY, another #WATCHWITHCUSHING! Here is a great clip from the people at #Cinemax 😊 #ChristopherLee shares some memories of working with #PeterCushing and the fun he and Peter had working for #Hammerfilms. As you probably know both he and Peter were CAST in 22 films though not always appearing in scenes together, I wonder which film do YOU think stands as their best collaboration and WHY??? 

YOU MIGHT FIND this little list helpful! The 22 films are : Hamlet (1948) .. no scenes together, Moulin Rogue (1952) .. no scenes together, The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), Dracula (1958) The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959), The Mummy (1959), The Gorgon (1964), Dr Terror's House of Horror's (1965), The Skull (1965), She (1965), Night of the Big Heat (1967), Scream and Scream Again (1967)... no scenes together, One More Time (1970) ... no scenes together, The House that Dripped Blood (1971) ... no scenes together, I, Monster (1971), Dracula AD 1972 (1972), Horror Express (1972), The Creeping Flesh (1973), Nothing But the Night (1973), The Satanic Rites of Dracula ( 1973), Arabian Adventure (1979).. no scenes together, The House of the Long Shadows (1983)

ME? I will go between Horror Express and maybe The Creeping Flesh! Why? I am not quite sure, I have a theoryπŸ€”πŸ€” ... but at the Facebook Fan Page, I am asking maybe you can tell me? πŸ˜‰ - Marcus


Saturday, 4 April 2020


USA NEWS: #ScreamFactory's Collector Edition blu ray of #Hammerfilms / #PeterCushing 'The Evil of Frankenstein' is STILL on track for release May 19th, 2020! Worth a mention if you are looking for bonuses, if you pre-order 'The Evil of Frankenstein Collector’s Edition Blu-ray at Shout Factory, you’ll receive an exclusive 18β€³ X 24β€³ rolled poster featuring the brand new cover art, while supplies last.This US release is quite a cracker! 

NEW 4K scan of the interpositive
NEW Audio Commentary with film-maker / film historian Constantine Nasr
NEW The Men Who Made Hammer: Freddie Francis
NEW an interview with assistant director William P. Cartlidge
NEW an interview with actress Katy Wild
(from the best available 16mm print)
The Making of THE EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN edited and produced by Donald Fearney – Narrated by Edward de Souza and featuring interviews with Wayne Kinsey, Caron Gardner, Hugh Harlow, Pauline Harlow, Peter Cushing and Don Mingay
A moment with actress Caron Gardner
Theatrical Trailer
Still Gallery

Thursday, 2 April 2020


ANOTHER TWO PCASUK GREAT #PETERCUSHING TREATS at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE  to maybe entertain you! FIRST a 1970's Peter Cushing and #ChristopherLee film, directed by Peter Sasdy that almost got away from everyone, the strange but very interesting 'NOTHING HUT THE NIGHT' (1973), Sadly, this was the only movie produced by Charlemagne Films, which was created by Christopher Lee and Hammer film producer, Anthony Nelson Keys. UK distributors Fox and Rank made a real botched and half hearted job of promoting this film, even at one point offering some 'cash prizes' for letters from readers of the Sunday Mercury newspaper, describing their real-life experiences with terror and the supernatural! A very dated publicity device that went out of fashion in the 1950's! 

IT SADLY MADE LITTLE BOX OFFICE in the UK though did fair a little better with a different publicity campaign with title change and snazzy poster design for it's US release.'THE RESURRECTION SYNDICATE, title probably gives away more, than is helpful. BUT if you haven't seen this film before, I think you'll find much to your liking. 

THERE IS ALSO a supporting cast including Fulton Mackay (from Cushing's 'Return of the Cybernauts' : The Avengers tv episode) a young Michael Gambon ( who starred with Cushing in Amicus films, 'The Beast Must Die) and a quite a few of vivid  and interesting female characters for a change! The quite stylish Georgia Brown as the dogged newspaper reporter, who has some good scenes with Cushing a nice surprise of Diana Dors, playing one of her 'dressed down, nasty wig and tarty ol scrote roles, which she did a few of in the 70's and 80's. Kathleen Byron, who appeared as Cushing's Gustav Weil's long suffering wife, in Hammer films 'Twins of Evil' wife get just about enough to do, but she is wasted really.. What an amazing and quite beautiful actress. wasted as usual. Even as a Nun, Sister Ruth in the 1947 classic 'Black Narcissus', I thought she looked quite stunning and a fine actress that really captured the imagination. 

SO AN USUAL CAST, a plot that in it's climax leans towards  towards another Christopher Lee film, that also suffered in the beginning from a more than limp release, BUT picked up when Home Cinema VHS / Beta Calvary, came to the rescue! ENJOY and please let me know what you make of it? 

ANOTHER INTERVIEW GEM from quite a few programmes and hour length features Peter Cushing did after he retired in 1987. On June 1st that year, the UK TODAY newspaper quietly announced, Peter was hanging up his coat, for a well deserved rest. 'After making some of the world's best known horror films during  his 50 year career, Peter Cushing has decided that he will never make another film. He's just finished filming two television advertisements and he says the experience is enough to make him realise enough is enough. 'I did them because I had been offered two film parts and didn't know if I would be up for the work' he admits, ' I didn't want to let anyone down, so I thought I thought I would 'cut my teeth' on these two commercials. But having spent four days shooting, I've decided  not to do any more films These adverts will be my swan song. It's too much for me.'

BUT 1990, NOW TAKING THINGS in his stride #PeterCushing gave an interview to 'The Human Factor' a  UK #TV programme made by TVS, where he talked about his love for his wife, his belief in an afterlife, his suicide attempt, his cancer, and the key moments from his childhood and his long and successful acting career. He covers many of these themes and more in the two volumes of his autobiography, but this is the first time I'd seen him talking very openly about them. It's a revelation. Never before had Peter appeared so genuine and profound in his answers. It's an inspiring and revealing piece indeed. This too is now UP as a #WATCHWITHCUSHING! post for the viewing at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE,  where many of you have commented on the frankness of Peter's answers during the interview. There were quite a few stories and facts I had not heard before. There will be MORE posts tomorrow too! This up load along with many of the other 'Watch With Cushing' post have proved to be very popular, with many watching through out the day . . I hope you enjoy some of the posts too!? - Marcus

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