HAVE not had a quote or post about Peter Cushing's dear pal, VINCENT
PRICE in a while. So, I just made this. It's well noted that both
Vincent and wife, Coral Browne LOVED parties and loved their fellow
actors too. Never suffered fools, hated pompousness . . loved people
and had a deep appreciation of life and art . . .
DANNY FULCE pointed out on the thread at the PCASUK FACEBOOK FAN PAGE that VINCENT PRICE was to have played RONALD WYATT in Amicus films TORTURE GARDEN in 1967. I wonder how that would have turned out??
'TIS A GREAT PITY both he and Peter didn't get the chance to work and appear
on more things together. Just TWO movies Madhouse, House of the Long
Shadows, TWO radio shows 'The Man Who Hated Scenes' - part of the
'Price of Fear' series and 'Aliens In The Mind' . . Of the four, which
do you enjoy the most?
CUSHING'S BARON FRANKENSTEIN was never someone to let things get in the way of what he wanted. There was always a way. Even the barred door of a jail call, couldn't hold him. It's always amazing how quickly 'something in a rag or handkerchief' works in a Hammer film....! ('The Evil of Frankenstein' 1964)
IT'S THAT WOMAN! As an actress, you would think CLYTIE JESSOP'S heart would have sank when she heard that her role in a new Horror Film with Amicus, was as the forture telling, STATUE / FIGURE of Atropos, in 'TORTURE GARDEN'. Thankfully, ROBERT BLOCH'S script, also called for her to make some creepy cameos in each of the four separate stories and there was MUCH MUCH MORE to CLYTIE, than we today, would ever have imagined. Born CLYTIE LLOYD-JONES in 1929 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
AS AN ADULT she lived feminism as a catalytic woman on three continents. Always writing, painting, she also directed, as well as playing the occasional acting role. She produced three films in the 1970's and 80's, 'CONRAD MARTENS' (1978) with directorial duties too, produced 'EMMA'S WAR' (1987) and 'FLAMINGO PARK' (1981), which she made with assistance of the Women's Film Fund and the Creative Development Branch of the Australian Film Commission.

"In London, she caught the legendary eye of cinematographer Freddie
Francis, and attention from acclaimed director Jack Clayton. She quickly
got notice as a ghost in their classic The Innocents, with
Deborah Kerr, filmed in 1961. Francis wrote: "There is one particular
sequence in the film of which I am very fond, and indeed proud. It is
the appearance in among the bulrushes of the dead governess (played by
Clytie Jessop, who would become one of my regulars when I became a
director). The scene is one of the most effective and chilling in the
film, and it all happens in bright daylight."
THREE OF THE FOUR theatrical films that she appeared in were 'fantasy horror genre' The Innocents (1961), Nightmare (1964) and 'TORTURE GARDEN in 1967'. Sadly, CLYTIE died in May 2017 in London, England.
There is a LOT MORE CLYTIE than meets the eye! Look out for our #FEMMEFATALE FEATURE on Jessop soon!
WE ARE GOING OUT with a SCORCHER of CUSHING GIF. Requested by Symms Morris. From Hammer films, THE BRIDES OF DRACULA, Peter Cushing as Van Helsing, makes the decisions between living in a state of UNDEAD following the result of being bitten by one of Hammer best OR burn and CAUTERISE the wound with a red hot branding iron. Hmm tough choice. Hats oiff to LES BOWIE and his Special Effects dept. STILL makes me whince.
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Peter Cushing Appreciation Society website, facebook fan page and
youtube channel are managed, edited and written by Marcus Brooks, PCAS
coordinator since 1979. PCAS is based in the UK and USA