Showing posts with label horror of dracula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horror of dracula. Show all posts

Sunday, 24 May 2020


#ISOLATIONENTERTAINMENT #WatchWithCushing2020! The THEATRICAL trailer for Hammer films 'Dracula' 1958, is something most #Hammerfilms, #PeterCushing and #ChristopherLee fans will know very well indeed, from countless viewings of what has to be one of best #FantasyCinema trailers ever! The trailer was the same throughout it's release in 1959, other than in the US it where it was called 'Horror of Dracula', but the expected different voice overs for the trailer narration, the dubbing languages and a changed the title also, a few snips here and there maybe for censorship, were all standard. 

BUT IN THIS version, there is something that appears, that wasn't seen anywhere else... not even in the actual full film!! It's very quick, fleeting . . an 'extension' but it's there! Question is, can you spot it? There is a terrific competition being launched here at Facebook PCASUK Fan Page on Tuesday, with a fabulous prize! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ This should... whet your whistle πŸ˜‰ Have fun, stay safe and look after each other πŸ˜‰ - Marcus

Tuesday, 28 April 2020


#WATCHWITHCUSHING! We all know that vintage and original press and promotion materials for much of #PeterCushing's 1950's and 60's films are now worth a pretty penny. If they also hold an autograph the value is even higher! Here in this clip at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! are TWO superb examples. Just for FUN . . BEFORE you watch this clip of these posters being sold, I would like you to comment on the post and tell me how much YOU think both the 1958 '#Dracula' UK #cinema quad poster, in pretty good condition and the almost mint 1965 Amicus 'Dr Terror's House of Horrors' UK cinema poster, could individually be worth? Write your figure in the comment section on the page BEFORE you watch this clip πŸ˜‰No cheating 😏😊 I guess you can always state that the price of what something is #worth, is really . . how much someone is willing will pay? πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ˜²But at FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE, in this clip . .  they are prepared to pay A LOT! This clip is around four years old, so chances these #posters are worth even more today! Have fun, stay safe and look after each other- Marcus πŸ˜‰

AN UPDATE ON THE KINO BLU RAY release of 'FLESH AND THE FIENDS' is that the things are still set for JULY 7th 2020 AND that this John Gilling directed, based on a true story 2K restoration will also be carrying some extras too!

Starring Peter Cushing, Donald Pleasence, June Laverick, Billie Whitelaw, George Rose, Renee Houston and Dermot Walsh – Shot by Monty Berman (Jack the Ripper, The Crawling Eye) – Music by Stanley Black (War-Gods of the Deep, Valentino) – Co-written by Leon Griffiths (The Grissom Gang, The Squeeze) – Co-written and Directed by John Gilling (The Reptile, The Plague of the Zombies).

THIS RELEASE IS COMING AS A TWO DISC package, because not only do you get the 2k RESTORATION BLU RAY but there's also a FULL ALTERNATIVE CUT which also carries the USA title of 'The Fiendish Ghouls' and 'Mania'. You would be forgiven for thinking, that maybe Amicus films producer, MAX ROSENBERG, may have had a dabble and offered for free with one of his OTT titles at their press office too? Not so. . . .

OVER THE YEARS, there have been quite a few different cuts made available on the home cinema market. Right now, there is a DVD available from Image Entertainment who list their running duration for the "uncut" original theatrical version at 94 minutes, but they also carry a slightly extended, wait for it . .  "Continental" versionβ€”produced only for European markets with more permissive, boob and bottom nodding censorsβ€” running at 95 minutes which includes extra shots, short sequences or alternative takes with more nudity. 'THE FLESH AND THE FIENDS' was released by Valiant in the USA using the titles 'MANIA' and 'PSYCHO KILLERS' . . .  (Guess which box office smashing Hitchcock film was released also in 1960)  . . . using the censored British theatrical cut, but it didn't stop there... FIVE years later in 1965 a re-release by Pacemaker Pictures under the title 'THE FIENDISH GHOULS' cut a whole 23 minutes from the film's runtime! Both the UK and the continental cut of the film are included in the KINO BLU RAY RELEASE!

ALSO INCLUDED in thus release is an 'Audio Commentary by Film Historian Tim Lucas'. Disc Two also includes the 1960  theatrical TRAILER for 'THE FLESH AND THE FIENDS' I am not sure how many 'units' of this film have been  produced for sale, but those smiling after awaiting a long while for this remastering and would like to guarantee a copy of this gem to your library shelf, now might be a good time to nail that order 😊- Marcus 

SEE OUR POST FIRST at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! NOW  and LATER EXPANDED here at the PCASUK website / Blog! Join and be part of  the FAN PAGE with OVER 33 THOUSAND FOLLOWERS and FRIENDS you won't be on your own and you will be MOST WELCOME!  Come COMMENT, come CHAT and come KEEP THE MEMORY of Peter Cushing alive and celebrated! 

Thursday, 7 November 2019


'TO CHRISTINE. Amazing stuff. Thank you so much from Peter Van Helsing, Best Peter Capaldi'

NO, THIS IS INTERESTING! YES?. . Here is a very neat 'multiplicated' photograph of what was a screen grab of Peter Cushing as Van Helsing, from the closing moments of #hammerflms 'Dracula' aka 'Horror of #Dracula' (1958), slaying Christopher Lee's first appearance as 'The Count'. A very talented 'Peter's Capaldi and Cushing' fan, who I believe is called Christine, skilfully pasted Mr Capaldi's head onto the image, providing us with amazing and insightful snap of...what could have been, gracing the BBCUK and Netflix international screens next year. What a TREAT it would have been to have seen PC as Van Helsing, he fits the roles so well, as did... PC A missed opportunity, me thinks. Never mind, we'll get to see an actress play the Vampire Hunter instead. Seriously, I hope this all works out for them What do you think? 

MEANWHILE HERE is Christine's text that accompanied her post of this photograph

"MANY THANKS to #PeterCapaldi who signed one of my Dracpaldi manips during the autograph session at the #Supanova Gold Coast last weekend! . . .I made the Van Helsing/ Dracula 'manips' some months ago; some time later the blog posted two of them. The Peter Capaldi autograph was a birthday present for me from my daughter."

HERE IS HER story about meeting Peter Capaldi - he is such a nice man!β€œMet the amazing Peter Capaldi today at the Supernova Gold Coast to sign two pictures for my little brother and Mum as a birthday present. But I couldn’t afford another Autograph for myself, already had a picture with him, which was such a lovely moment standing next to this kind man.

HE DID MAKE personalised Autographs that day so I told him that this were birthday presents for two other huge fans back home. As I explained him the fanart my mum made, showing him as Peter Cushing ( PC, he was/is a huge fan ), he suddenly had a third picture in front of him and asked for my name. It was so overwhelming and unexpected, I asked him if it’s okay if I could hug him while I tried to handle my tears.Thank you so much PC , it was an unforgeable moment and it still feels unreal.
PETER CAPALDI, for me he is the kindest, gentlest actor and of course my favourite Doctor, always will be.nThank you so much! ~ β€œMany thanks to Peter Van Capaldi!

REMEMBERING: Melissa Stribling who was born today November 7th 1927. Stribling appeared in just the one film with Peter Cushing...but boy did she pick the right one! She also got to play in one of Hammer films most iconic scenes in their 1958 'Dracula', where Christopher Lee's Count, in the dead of night, visits her home and..without a word.. seduces her. The scene is so super charged with sexual tension, it almost crackles off the screen and as a result got the scissors treatment from the censors at the time. In 2013, in Hammer's restored print the exorcised footage was replaced, giving us the full picture of what Director Terence Fisher, Stribling and Lee had originally intended and created.

I'VE READ SEVERAL reviews of 'Dracula' both from the time of the films' release in 58 and in more recent times, that Stribling was a curious choice for the role of Mina Holmwood, that compared to the likes of Valerie Gaunt and other Hammer actresses, even though she was only in early 30's when she appeared in Dracula, many thought her slightly ordinary and plain. I totally disagree...but if that was the case, I can't help thinking that, director Fisher's choice in Stribling was intentional. That subtext in the story of Arthur Holmwood's wife being frustrated and bored, suddenly being charmed and seduced by the exotic and erotic Count, Stribling was...the perfect choice.

REMEMBERING DAVID OXLEY. ( November 7th 1920 - October 30th 1985 ) Was there ever a more terrifying, evil, rip snorting, bag of fury than Oxley's portrayal of Sir Hugo Baskerville in the 1959 #Hammerfilms production of 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' starring #PeterCushing as #SherlockHolmes and Christopher Lee as Sir Henry? I must be honest, I actually find him more frightening than the hound! πŸ˜ƒ

Tuesday, 7 May 2019


NEWS: COMING THIS SUMMER! 'Dracula / Horror of Dracula' and 'The Curse of Frankenstein' World Premiere digital recording of the COMPLETE scores composed by James Bernard, from the classic Hammer horror films, starring #PeterCushing and #ChristopherLee. Performed by the City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and conducted by Nic Raine. Scores reconstructed by Leigh Phillips. CD booklet notes by Hammer film score and music aficionado, David Huckvale. Produced by James Fitzpatrick and Leigh Phillips. Release Summer 2019. These releases are not to be confused with any previous Hammer film soundtrack releases on CD. More NEWS and details as we get it πŸ˜‰ - Marcus

ABOVE A LARGE SCAN taken from our original press kit photograph of Christopher Lee and Melissa Stribling in Hammer films, 'Dracula' / 'Horror of Dracula. It was this photograph that amazing artist Bill Wiggins, used for the UK quad cinema poster. That poster sold in auction last year in Ireland for Β£14,000 

Friday, 21 December 2018


CONGRATULATIONS to MARLA AND BEA, on winning our Warner Brothers remastered Blu Ray of the BFI restored Hammer film classic... 'Horror of Dracula' / 'Dracula' ! Well Done πŸ˜€  It was great to see so many enteries, and I think it's a fair indication of how popular this release is and hopefully, that will being us MORE Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee classics released through Warner in the near future πŸ˜‰

THE ANSWER to the Competition, which wasn't guessed by everyone, was PHOTOGRAPH E! This was a publicity pic of Christopher Lee and Barbara Shelley, from Hammer films 'Dracula, Prince of Darkness' and not from the 1958 Dracula!

FIND OUT MORE ON THE WARNER BROTHERS release of Hammer films 1958 'DRACULA' / 'HORROR OF DRACULA', in our feature and review! JUST CLICK HERE!  

THIS IS THE LAST of our FIVE competitions that I planned over the last six weeks. I hope you have had a lot of fun, enjoyed them, even if this time, you weren't a winner. THERE is ALWAYS next time Again, many, many thanks to the guys at Warner Brothers for sponsoring this and our others competition over the past few weeks! Here's to our next PCAS Competititon... SOON! 

YOU CAN ORDER AND PURCHASE YOUR COPY of this MUCH awaited classic now on release in the US! RIGHT HERE! 


Wednesday, 19 December 2018


ABOVE IS THE QUESTION  and ANSWER to last week's Cushing Tuesday Toughy! It seems as though either script writer Jimmy Sangster's or set designer, Bernard Robinson's LATIN was a bit lacking! We asked you where were the Latin words we posed, seen in a Peter Cushing film, AND what did they mean? Well, the latin is seen on the family crest, above the fireplace in Hammer films 1958 'DRACULA' and it looks as though didn't quite translate, in the way they probably wanted or intended. FIDELIS ET MORTEM translates as 'FAITH AND DEATH', where what they thought they were displaying was, 'FAITHFUL AND DEAD'. Oh dear! Utinam Non!

ABOVE is a RARE and INTEREST LINK to REMIND you, that TODAY is  the LAST DAY in which to send us YOUR answer to WARNER BROTHERS REMASTERED BLU RAY OF HAMMER FILMS 1958 DRACULA! IF YOU TOO would LOVE to WIN yourself a copy of this EXCELLENT remaster of the BFI print, there is just HOURS TO GO before the competition entries time, pulls up the draw bridge! SO CLICK HERE!  

Saturday, 15 December 2018


PETER CUSHING AND CHRISTOPHER LEE FANS, PCAS followers and all in the US Hammer film fans, have waited a LONG time for the PRINCE of DARKNESS and his number one enemy, to finally cross the Atlantic and set foot, on their home cinema screens! On the 18th of December 2018, Hammer films numero uno Dracula classic, will finally hit the streets . . just like when the vampire king landed on the shores of Whitby, England back in the late 19th century, and frightened EVERYONE to death!

THERE IS EVERY POSSIBILITY, with Warner Brother's REMASTERED BLU RAY release of the BFI restored print, that with Christopher Lee amazing performance and stunning quality of this print, he WILL do it, yet again, for there is  MUCH to be quite shocked and surprised by in this fabulous Warner Brothers Archive release. In the past, just like the Stoker novel of 1897, there have been several nightmares and tense moments concerning the release of the film on blu ray. In 2012, the first blu ray release of the film in the UK, devided fans and techie types, with a print that was remastered, but for some looked like it had been shot with director Terence Fisher holding a BLUE GEL lighting filter in front of expert camera operator's Jack Asher's lens! For a studio that celebrated the rich and throbbing reds and colours of it's gothic sets, furnishings, fangs and well, blood lusting the chilly blue tone resulted in a very cool reception on its release.

IT CAN'T BE DENIED that Warner Brothers Archive releases, have hit many major BULLS EYE not just in the last two months, where they have utterly spoiled us with the fantastic remasters of two later Hammer Cushing and Lee films on blu ray,  DRACULA AD 1972 and THE SATANIC RITES OF DRACULAbut also their HAMMER HORROR CLASSICS VOLUME ONE, presented us with new remastered versions of 'Dracula Has Risen From The Grave', 'Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed'  AND 'Taste The Blood Of Dracula'! No other version of previous releases of these titles can compete with the visual and sound quality of the Warners blu ray releases!

AS TIME DREW CLOSER, after the announcement from Warner of the planned 1958 DRACULA release, just like the tension of the final ten minutes of the film, we ALL waited to find out if THIS release was going to be yet another Warner triumph with gold stars, or if it was going to shock for ALL the wrong reasons, with the horrible news that the blue tint, had risen yet again and returned to haunt the passionate lovers of this film. It was great relief, on pressing the play button on my blu ray player, that I saw an old friend, but looking MORE than healthy! For those of us, who have watched and wore out our VHS and DVD recordings of the film over the years, we KNOW and are very familiar with its tone, contrast, rich, rich colours and that powerful score and accompanying owl screeching and vampire hisses. Here at last, all those things are back, but now cystral clear, remastered and never looked better.

TERENCE FISHER'S 1958 Dracula / Horror of Dracula US Blu-ray arrival on the red carpet is a stunning  β€œbrand-new presentation, sourced from the British Film Institute/Hammer Film restoration master”. Dracula's  'Blur Period' is over.  Through out,  images are strong with good detail and defined and correct  colouring. Everthing, as you would expect looks balanced and bold when they should do! Like many of you, this film is like an old friend to me. I know it well and what I was seeing and hearing was quite an experince. Familiar, but now better and a HUGE departure from previous releases. THIS is how it was meant to be! Because of the clarity, the depth of the sets like Dracula's first arrival on meeting Harker and the fisty-cuff with Lee and Valerie Gaunt, you get the shadows and creepy light and SIZE of Dracula's den. At last, Bernard Robinson's dedicated set design can be seen in all it's beauty. Flagstone floors, drapes, banners, curtains and even the subtle gold detail on the floor space area, when the Count meets his end, is luscious, clear and quite regal. 

IT IS ONE OF THE MANY things you notice from the first scene where Harker stands outside Castle Dracula and certainly when he steps inside, there are SO MANY colours and some are, for me, seen for the first time! I am please to say, that it also sounds as good as it looks. Dialogue isn't lost in what is sometimes a quite dramatic score, every word can be heard and is crisp. Sound effects to seem to have a new life. The horses during the chase, have a lovely thundering base, Cushing's feet on the wooden and hollow tablle top... and hey, those curtains, come down with quite a crash and Dracula's body THUDS when he hits the floor. You'll be please to hear, that for once... The Count's footsteps are wonderfully absent! As, they should be!   

THERE IS MUCH to be VERY happy about concerning this NEW remastering. I think for once too, fans and admirers of this much loved Cushing and Lee classic Hammer film, will appreciate that the task of remastering has been carried out properly, with an eye for detail with a quality that respects the standards, skills, dedication and artistry, of a cinematic production crew and studio, once long gone, but now . . celebrated and still with us! Consider that past ressurections of the DRACULA are now staked, dead and dust. THIS Dracula, has RISEN and has never looked better. He TRULY IS a terrifying lover who DIED and and yet LIVES!

ON TUESDAY WE POSTED what is our LAST competition for this year, has at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE AND what a PRIZE there is to WIN! 😲 With many thanks to our sponsors at Warner Brothers..we have a PAIR of their latest Peter Cushing Hammer film release... their REMASTERED blu ray of the restored BFI print of Hammer films 1958 DRACULA! All you have to do is guess the answer to our VISUAL competition.

AS USUAL I have to ask that you DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWER ON THE PAGE... send it to us using the SEND MESSAGE button UNDER THE COMPETITION BANNER Any answers or entries posted on the COMMENTS thread will be deleted and not counted as an entry. The competition CLOSES on Wednesday 19th December 2018. So get your ENTRY in now...and maybe you would like to give us a LIKE too? I'd be most grateful πŸ˜‰Have fun and GOOD LUCK! - Marcu

JUST CLICK ON THIS LINK to the WARNER BROTHERS SHOP site, where you can also purchase your copy of this release!  

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