I get lots of requests to help charities and good causes, and I try to help in anyway I can. But, a recent email from our new Friend and Follower, ANTHONY MARDON was one request I thought we could really get behind and with your assistance, help to make a difference.
I 'll let Anthony explain :
" I grew up watching Universal and Hammer double bills. I remember coming down stairs on a Sunday morning praying I'd set the video recorder timer correctly. That developed into a love of all things, SciFi, Fantasy and Horror. The
older I got, the more I could indulge in my horror hobby, meeting
greats such as Argento, Carpenter and Fulci, as well as favourites Peter
Cushing and Christopher Lee. I wish I had
been able to meet Vincent Price. Peter Cushing and Star Wars is still a passion of mine.
I started running in 2011 because I had to. My wife and I were watching Run Fatboy Run after dinner one Sunday
with a bottle of wine and a laptop. Keeley suggested I, like Simon
Pegg's character, enter the London Marathon We were both carrying a few extra
pounds! In
January 2011 the NSPCC told me I had a place for April! Aggggh! I blame the wine!
I have run about 18 marathons now all over England and in Paris, Edinburgh and Berlin. I am running Valencia in November. I have run a
few Ultra Marathons and my wife and I, have both qualified for the OCR
(Obstacle Course Racing) UK Championship Finals last
Having qualified for the London Marathon this year with a 'good for age'
place (meaning I don't need the ballot or a charity place), I have decided
to raise funds for charity with a Peter Cushing connection.
I will take part in fancy dress and take time to enjoy
running around London. This will be my third time, usually I am
so focused on running, I don't get the opportunity to take in the
atmosphere and crowds. I have got the go ahead to try breaking the 'fastest male marathon
runner dressed as a film character' world record from Guinness but as
it stands at 2hrs 42secs, 25 mins faster than my personal best, so I don't
think I need bother!

The Pilgrims Hospice in Canterbury is where Peter Cushing spent his last
few days, under the care of a Dr. Ribchester I believe. Great name for a
doctor. It's a facility that provides excellent palliative care. There were reports a
year or so ago about the possibility
of it having to close. Having raised funds for large charities before,
I want to do all I can for this fantastic and much needed facility.
So combining my love of running, Star Wars and Peter Cushing, I will be running the London Marathon 2016 on April 25th dressed in Princess Leia's gold bikini, carrying a lightsaber and raising money for a worthy cause.
If anyone can SUPPORT ME TO HELP OTHERS, if you can spare as little as a POUND, I would be extremely grateful and really appreciate it. ALL THOSE POUNDS COUNT and TRULY make a difference! Many thanks to Marcus at the Peter Cushing Appreciation Society for helping with this. Many Thanks, Anthony "