I get lots of requests to help charities and good causes, and I try to help in anyway I can. But, a recent email from our new Friend and Follower, ANTHONY MARDON was one request I thought we could really get behind and with your assistance, help to make a difference.
I 'll let Anthony explain :
" I grew up watching Universal and Hammer double bills. I remember coming down stairs on a Sunday morning praying I'd set the video recorder timer correctly. That developed into a love of all things, SciFi, Fantasy and Horror. The older I got, the more I could indulge in my horror hobby, meeting greats such as Argento, Carpenter and Fulci, as well as favourites Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. I wish I had been able to meet Vincent Price. Peter Cushing and Star Wars is still a passion of mine.
I started running in 2011 because I had to. My wife and I were watching Run Fatboy Run after dinner one Sunday with a bottle of wine and a laptop. Keeley suggested I, like Simon Pegg's character, enter the London Marathon We were both carrying a few extra pounds! In January 2011 the NSPCC told me I had a place for April! Aggggh! I blame the wine!
I have run about 18 marathons now all over England and in Paris, Edinburgh and Berlin. I am running Valencia in November. I have run a few Ultra Marathons and my wife and I, have both qualified for the OCR (Obstacle Course Racing) UK Championship Finals last November.
Having qualified for the London Marathon this year with a 'good for age' place (meaning I don't need the ballot or a charity place), I have decided to raise funds for charity with a Peter Cushing connection. I will take part in fancy dress and take time to enjoy running around London. This will be my third time, usually I am so focused on running, I don't get the opportunity to take in the atmosphere and crowds. I have got the go ahead to try breaking the 'fastest male marathon runner dressed as a film character' world record from Guinness but as it stands at 2hrs 42secs, 25 mins faster than my personal best, so I don't think I need bother!
The Pilgrims Hospice in Canterbury is where Peter Cushing spent his last few days, under the care of a Dr. Ribchester I believe. Great name for a doctor. It's a facility that provides excellent palliative care. There were reports a year or so ago about the possibility of it having to close. Having raised funds for large charities before, I want to do all I can for this fantastic and much needed facility.
So combining my love of running, Star Wars and Peter Cushing, I will be running the London Marathon 2016 on April 25th dressed in Princess Leia's gold bikini, carrying a lightsaber and raising money for a worthy cause.
If anyone can SUPPORT ME TO HELP OTHERS, if you can spare as little as a POUND, I would be extremely grateful and really appreciate it. ALL THOSE POUNDS COUNT and TRULY make a difference! Many thanks to Marcus at the Peter Cushing Appreciation Society for helping with this. Many Thanks, Anthony "