#SILENTBUTDEADLYWEDNESDAY: THE 1960 FILM. 'SUSPECT' aka 'The Risk' was a tight little thriller, directed by Roy Boulting and John Boulting, with an excellent cast of Tony Britton, Virginia Maskell, Ian Bannen, Peter Cushing and Donald Pleasence. What started as a bet between the two brothers, to see if they could make a film, from page to screen in three weeks, when it was discovered the film they had recently completed had wrapped almost a month ahead of schedule. They grabed a property novel entitled, A Sort of Traitors by Nigel Balchin, and the result was, 'Suspect' retitled in the US as 'The Risk'. Jeff Plumber got in touch to request one of this week's GIFS, as he has never got the chance to see the film, maybe a tinny GIF would be a great teaser. And in the GIF we have posted featuring Tony Britton as Doctor Robert Marriott and Peter Cushing as the tense, Professor Sewell, does the job, I think? Great choice Jeff. Thank you!

#SILENTBUTDEADLYWEDNESDAY: Here are two guys that back at the time when this film was made in 1965, were at the top of their profession. Bernard Cribben's on the left here played Major Holly's (Peter Cushing) valet, in something a little different from Hammer called, 'SHE'. At this time Cribbin's was hardly ever off the small screen in the UK. Starring in several of his own light entertainment shows, having hit novelty songs in the UK hit parade and guesting and appearing in all sorts of homegrown flicks and tv shows. He also starred with Cushing in 'Daleks Invasion earth, 2150 AD' which they made the following year. Cribbin's was a keen scuba-diver, and while on location in Israel, taught Cushing to fish and do the flipper thing! Despite a badly timed faux -par with the BBC at the beginning of the 60's, that affected his working relationship with the 'bods-in -suits' at the Beeb, Cushing was very busy, on both the tv, radio and the big screen. The first four years of the new decade brought some interesting roles.

CUSHING AND CRIBBIN'S, along with co-star Christopher Lee, probably though 'SHE' was going to be a few weeks in the sun and some excellent time to paint, swim, eat and see the sights. It was anything but... with Cribbin's being injured in his BUTT, and most of the crew and cast going down with 'unpredictable bowel' events. 'SHE' was produced by Hammer films in an attempt at producing something... EPIC! Producer Michael Carreras wasn't that keen on the spooky flicks, that made Hammer films famous, and he was desperate the make something that was family entertainment, with epic style. The problem was, Hammer never had EPIC money....! Still what we do get isn't far off the mark, and it's title star, Ursula Andress is not too shoddy either, filling the screen, in more ways than one, with her super-star charisma. Many thanks to Danni Marx for this GIF request!

#SILENTBUTDEADLYWEDNESDAY: IF THERE IS ANTHING that the fairy-tales of our childhood tells us, it's... DON'T TAKE ANYTHING OR STEAL FROM THE BAD GUYS...don't eat that apple, don't take that drugged candy from the lady in the made of candy...and don't even try thinking about stealing that hen, that eggs those very expensive eggs! Peter Cushing's Prof Emmanuel Hildern, could add, 'never cut and take the finger from a eight foot tall fossilized skeleton!' Of course, if he had taken a look over his shoulder at his family, and their struggle with madness, the ruthless torment from his brother, Christopher Lee...he would have had a hunch, this wasn't going to work out well for him.

'THE CREEPING FLESH' is a excellent film on all counts, wonderfully directed by Freddie Francis, who for a short spell only, woke up from his boredom with directing horror films, this one tick all the boxes, but because of the timing of it's production, missed it's boat and glory, when the horror market in the UK had all but bled-out. Cushing is great at roles like Van Helsing and co where he gets to fight the evil, by means of quick thinking, Errol Flynn theatrics and strength, but he makes a superb foil for the fall too. Hildern does everything he shouldn't, and the final 20 mins of the film, sees him hunted by the films, bogey-man. If you have not caught this one yet, it was recently re-released in the US on Blu Ray. Look it up! GIF requested by Debbie Finson, who also asks, 'Can you explain what the ending means of The Creeping Flesh, please?' Debbie, I would love to, but..despite watching this several times, there's lots of clues, but the answer, I can't quite put my FINGER on it ....
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