BREAKING NEWS........ Amazing NEWS! The long thought LOST 1970's film
'The Naked Eye' starring both #PeterCushing and #VincentPrice, is due
for release this summer. The Naked Eye, which was found last year, in the
private collection of film producer the late, Linton Buttzoctsky, was
never released owing to various production problems while shooting the
film. One particular set of problems, almost brought the film to a stand
still, when on location filming a banquet and dance sequence. Items of
props and costumes connected to both Cushing and Price roles were lost.
During a banquet scene, where Price's role of master chef Egbert Nosh,
revealed his main dish, with a large roasted chicken, the unveiled
cooked bird on the plateau was obviously an ostrich! It was later
revealed, the actual featured chicken dish, had been mistakenly eaten by
an extra. While filming a grand dance sequence, Cushing's dance shoes
could not be found or even a pair that actually fitted him. As a
compromise, his dance routine with actress, #IngridPitt was almost all
shot in close up. Despite this, Cushing could be seen to be waltzing in
wellington boots in some long shots of the ballroom. The news of the
release is expected to prompt much interest among fans and film critics
alike. We'll keep you posted š -Marcus Brooks
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