Showing posts with label dr terror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dr terror. Show all posts

Friday, 20 December 2019


OVER AT the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE PETER CUSHING Hammer Amicus fan #TARACHANDLER has sent us this great post 🙂 Quite an interesting selection for the Christmas Fright and Spooky Festival season??? What would yours look like??? Remember you can always send us messages of your choices, thoughts and viewing experiences, which we will SHARE on the MAIN NEWS THREAD.. so others can see and join in ...anytime 😉 🙂 - Marcus

TARA'S POST: "The holiday season is upon us - here is my list of must watch DVD’s for this festive period - this evening I watched my favourite; Countess #Dracula, with my favourite actress #ingridpitt - there are some amazing Cushing features, specifically Frankenstein Created Woman (in The Best of Hammer Collection box set) - some Amicus Productions in there too (Dr Terror’s...). What’s on your festive list!? I may add a few more to mine! " 🦇 🧛‍♂️

PETER CUSHING truly did love Whitstable, for sure 😃 Be it Summer or Winter . . or even #ChristmasDay for a quick dip (??) it IS somewhere quite special 😉

REQUESTED: MARK HAMILL MEETS Peter Cushing with Davie Prowse on the set at Elstree studios!

Thursday, 23 November 2017


#SILENTBUTDEADLYGIFS! ON SET during the making of Amicus Films, 'MADHOUSE' it's two leading stars, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price walk through their characters greeting on meeting each other . . . cue laughter and jokes about Price's poor Paul Toombes, having been 'away' at the local Hollywood asylum for the last five years. It was by all accounts a difficult film to produce. Under written characters, bulked out in late night writing session between co star Robert Quarry and Vincent. All things considered, you would never know it, when watching the film . . . 

#SILENTBUTDEADLYGIFS! . . . Not so deadly, this one...more charming! Taken from our collection of video clips of the last time Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee worked together...well saw each other, while recording a narration for a Hammer Films documentary.... still playful, still fun and still very much devoted friends. You can find all the clips on the The Last Meeting: One Last Time at our PCAS PCAS YOUTUBE CHANNEL, listen and watch what made their friendship so special . . .

#SILENTBUTDEADLYGIFS! I REALLY DID feel sorry for Christopher Lee's character in this film . . he was pompous, and opinionated... but what a twisted thing to do...and a twisted story! Can you name the film, this gif was taken from? Take a look at the vintage still below, and see if you can 'solve' that question too?

#SILENTBUTDEADLYGIFS : A NICE touch from Peter Cushing's General von Spielsdorf in 'The Vampire Lovers' (1970) . . . whenever Peter met a woman, female, lady, in public either for the first time or anytime, he always greeted them with a gentle kiss upon the back of the hand. I have read many features and interviews where the female interviewer or journalist, recounted this and saw it as a wonderfully gallant and profound act of gentlemanly manners . . . I am not so sure that, if Peter were around us today, he would feel safe to make such a gesture either!

#SILENTBUTDEADLYGIFS! IT WAS CHRISTOPHER LEE who one said, when he and Peter Cushing attended the US premier of Hammer films, 'Dracula /Horror of Dracula (1958) that when THIS shot appeared at the end of the opening credits, a roar of laughter and hoots went up, from the attending audience. Lee was ready to leave the cinema right then. Cushing, placed his hand of Lee's arm and told him, to stay with it. A few minutes after, hoots still prevailing, for the first time Lee's Dracula stood at the top of the long stairs inside Castle Dracula, he walked down them to meet Jonathan Harker . As soon as he spoke, the whole cinema, fell silent. It was the first time his Dracula was seen on the screen, and it would be one of the very few times, he would speak . . .through out the ENTIRE SEVEN FILM series! 

IF YOU LIKE what you see here at our website, you'll  love our daily themed posts at our PCAS FACEBOOK FAN PAGE.  Just click that blue LINK and click LIKE when you get there, and help us . . Keep The Memory Alive!. The Peter Cushing Appreciation Society website, facebook fan page and youtube channel are managed, edited and written by Marcus Brooks, PCAS coordinator since 1979. PCAS is based in the UK and USA  . .

Wednesday, 26 July 2017


#SILENTBUTDEADLY! : Without giving anything away about this film, you can clearly SEE something very important is going on here HA! The Amicus films #DRTERRORSHOUSEOFHORRORS was a bench mark time for Amicus, that after 'City of the Dead' informed Subostsky and Rosenberg, in which direction they should explore. If you have been watching our uploads of the Donald Fearney excellent mammoth documentary 'The Amicus Vault of Horrors' you see, every time Amicus went off in a different direction, a drama, a different theme..the film bombed at the box office. So, we can be thankful that Cushing's Dr Shreck and Co, were a big hit. Unlike these poor guys, the Amicus future after this scene, wasn't very bleak one!

#SILENTBUTDEADLYWEDNESDAY! How was character actor Michael Ripper to know that, when he first read the 'HIDDEN FROM SIGHT, POACHER SEES 7ft TALL FIGURE WRAPPED IN BANDAGES, FROM BEHIND THE BUSHES' simple description in his script, that he would be forever associated with this short scene?. I have sat with friends.. . .we don't get out much.. and examined this shot. To try and discover, what is it that makes it so superbly funny. Ripper was a master of these roles. It was probably the thinnest of descriptions on the page, but from that, scriptwriter Anthony Hinds knew the role would be safe in Ripper's hands and Christopher Lee would supply the fright factor! 

#SILENTBUTDEADLYWEDNESDAY! : THE 'I THNK I AM SEEING THINGS OR going Out Of My Mind' and the 'Wife / Husband Driving Their Partner Around The Bend With Set Up's Orchestrated By Their Lover' is as old as the hills. BUT, it's a popular scenario in Horror and thrillers. Despite having watched probably hundreds of these fantasy films over the years, I still have that ability  that many jaded fans lost a thousand films ago. When I sit to watch a film, unless it's a really poorly scripted one, I just let the story take me along. I am not in the biz of playing amateur sleuth, or critic, picking the plot apart after the credits role. I enjoy these movies, that's why I watch them. I still have a certain naivety, when it comes to being entertained. I come to be fooled, mislead, I am the script writers dream audience. I am not busy sat there trying to work it out. Nope. I paid my five dollars / pounds, I want my monies worth... entertain me.

Which is why, in this tale from 'The House That Dripped Blood' : 'Method For Murder', I never saw the REVEAL in this story coming! Ha! I was with Denholm Elliott's  character, Charles Hillyer all of the way. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be? If not, why are you watching?? As I said, from the off, I recognized the set up, but I wasn't expecting the wrap! Neither did I recognize that actor playing Dominick, the voice of UK's Channel Four four years, the late Tom Adams. Yup, I get good value out of most the films I see. Hey, I was the last person during our family viewing of all those terrible murders, to realize it was, Norman!   

#SILENTBUTDEADLYWEDNESDAY! And finally, Peter Cushing's Colonel William Raymond SEES Alex Hyde- White's Jim Ferguson, in 'Biggles: Adventures In Time' from 1986. See? It doesn't get any better than that . . . . 

IF YOU LIKE what you see here at our website, you'll  love our daily themed posts at our PCAS FACEBOOK FAN PAGE.  Just click that blue LINK and click LIKE when you get there, and help us . . Keep The Memory Alive!. The Peter Cushing Appreciation Society website, facebook fan page and youtube channel are managed, edited and written by Marcus Brooks, PCAS coordinator since 1979. PCAS is based in the UK and USA   

Sunday, 23 July 2017


#GETTHECUSHIONSUNDAY! PART ONE OF this documentary went down very well last Sunday, and I know there are many waiting for #PARTTWO. Lots of gems in this part, from 'The Psychopath' right up to 'The House that Dripped Blood'. Please feel free to send any thoughts, comments and observations about Part Two, your comments are always welcome. Help us by subscribing and sharing. It keeps the sites and the memory of #PETERCUSHING alive!








 IF YOU LIKE what you see here at our website, you'll  love our daily themed posts at our PCAS FACEBOOK FAN PAGE.  Just click that blue LINK and click LIKE when you get there, and help us . . Keep The Memory Alive!. The Peter Cushing Appreciation Society website, facebook fan page and youtube channel are managed, edited and written by Marcus Brooks, PCAS coordinator since 1979. PCAS is based in the UK and USA   

Thursday, 23 February 2017


MIRRORS TEA AND LOOSE CHANGE! A beautiful colour slide of Peter Cushing as Doctor Schreck / Dr Terror from the Amicus classic, Dr Terrors House of Horrors. A role that Peter Cushing played very well and one of my personal favorites. Schreck was a crafty 'soul', who used tarot cards and the hold that superstition has over us, to tell his tales and seal fates. Which kinda got me thinking... superstitions and private rituals? I always stir tea or coffee anti-clockwise never the other way, I NEVER look into a mirror UNLESS there is a light on in that room and when I go out...I have to have the SAME amount of loose change in each of my two coat pockets! Crazy? Maybe.

DO YOU have any kind of rituals, things you HAVE to do? Over at our Peter Cushing Appreciation society Facebook Fan Page, we opened the thread of this post and asked everyone to tell us if they also have any superstitious quirks or rituals! HERE are a few from those who spilled the beans and tempted fate, by telling us! 

Thursday, 24 November 2016


The 1958 Hammer films, Dracula , Phantom of the Opera, Dr Terrors House of Horrors and..KONGA! Today marks the birthday of Michael Gough! Gough had quite an interesting film career, some hits and some misses, but all entertaining. Two films which starred Peter Cushing and packed career on stage and screen. Do YOU have a favourite Michael Gough film? Happy Birthday Michael Gough, you are remembered!

Friday, 4 December 2015


More CLASSIC Cushing, Lee and Price moments in GIF form to add to your website, blog or facebook page. Just right click and save!

Christopher Lee gets to grips with a not so helpful hand in 

Peter Cushing looses his cool in ''CORRUPTION''

Peter Cushing FINALLY gets 'his money' in the Christmas edition of The Morecambe and Wise Show in 1980. The running joke of Cushing trying to get his fee from the penny pinching Erinie ran for years and through six appearances on their show.

Vincent Price makes his dramatic entrance in the film 'HOUSE OF THE LONG SHADOWS.. the only film to have featured Peter Cushing, Vincent Price and Christopher Lee in scenes 'together'

Peter Cushing wraps his song and dance routine to the Irving Berlin classic, 'We're Couple Of Swells' with British comedy legends Morecambe and Wise with tap, a heel kick and bow... what a finish! while Eric and Ernie make a dash for it, before he asks for 'My Money!'

He's always watching you! Peter Cushing's 'Temptations Ltd' shop in the Amicus film, 'FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE' ....The LAST place anyone would want to get a little 'light fingered'

Now with over 20,000 followers world wide Peter Cushing Appreciation society Facebook Fan Page : updated daily : join us : HERE 

Thursday, 26 November 2015



Three of MANY competition winners from our OCTOBER competitions where we gave away two fabulous Hammer Horror Classics Box Sets from WARNER BROTHER. Steelbook copies of Dr Terrors House of Horrors Blu Ray from SCREENBOUND. SIX copies of Scream and Scream Again from TWILIGHT TIME, TWO box sets of Hammer Horror Classics from WARNER BROTHERS . THREE copies of The Skull from EUREKA and THREE copies of The Man Who Could Cheat Death blu rays from EUREKA.... It's good fun to set new competitions and help everyone  to get a chance to build up their Cushing Blu Ray and DVD collection! As always many thanks to our sponsors.

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