Tuesday 14 July 2020


AS PROMISED, here connected to yesterday's post : Back in the 70's, anything to sell tabloid 'newspapers'... Ralph Bates playing Baron Frankenstein, 'taking the role' from Hammer films usual 'Baron of choice' was Peter Cushing and had been since the first Hammer Frankenstein film in 1957 with 'The Curse of Frankenstein' ... HERE is how Peter Cushing took the news... Many thanks again to, Mr G 😊😊

HELEN AND PETER CUSHING... Birgit and Christopher Lee and Coral Browne and Vincent Price 😊All interesting characters, wives and husbands . . despite rumours before and after their passing. If you think or gossip otherwise.. what you didn't see with YOUR eyes, don't witness with your mouth.... 

AND FOR THOSE, who would think anyone would compromise the message of  the 'couples banner' here is Christopher Lee. ' Yup, HE told me that! Christopher Lee is a gossip and compromiser of confidences. . . said NO ONE... ever!' 

 Man... some people . .

Sunday 12 July 2020


#PETERCUSHINGGEMS!  Here is a amazing pose photograph, posted at the  Facebook PCASUL Fan Page of both Peter Cushing and actor Ralph Bates...taken during a visit by Peter on set, for promo opportunities... 'A Younger Actor Takes Over The Role'! They posed for several, on the set of #Hammerfilms 'Horror of Frankenstein' (1970) but this SIGNED photograph is I think, the best I have seen of the bunch. For sometime during the release and years after, by some 'off target individuals', it was thought that Cushing wasn't really in favour of Bates 'taking over' the role... In our next post, we have some amazing evidence of quite the contrary, which I will be posting tomorrow!😉 Many thanks to Mr G for his assistance with excellent photograph 😊

#ChristopherLee Saturday! Here is a pic you don't get to see that often at all! In this movie, he once again played the opposite to Peter Cushing's characters good nature.... Over at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page I asked everyone, if they can name the movie .. and if you can, the plot.... do you think it was all real or just all happening in the mind of PC's character?? 😊 There's been quite a reaction and lost of theories! Why not join us and tell us your take on quite a puzzler! - Meanwhile, please take care everyone, and look after yourselves and loved ones 😊- Marcus

ABOVE: Peter Cushing and director Freddie Francis, on set during the making of Tigon films, 'The Creeping Flesh' (1973)

Thursday 9 July 2020


#CHRISTOPHERLEE We HAM and EGGED it!' Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee in TWO rare photographs . .Lee here sharing thoughts on his work and long friendship with Peter Cushing . . .

#VincentPrice YESTERDAY, over at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE I shared  a lovely interview with Vincent Price in 1986, rebroadcast in 1993. ..as ever, charming, entertaining and funny 😊 'Madhouse' and 'House of the Long Shadows' were Peter Cushing appeared with Vincent Price, I think are a joy to watch them together! I hope you enjoy THIS INTERVIEW too 😉

#THROWBACKTHURSDAY: THROW YOUR MIND BACK about three years ago..... and the rare photograph I posted you can see on the RIGHT. It's an image of writer Chris Knight from Cinefantastque 'behind the scenes' at Elstree Studios, during the making of 'Dracula AD 1972', with Christopher Lee. The photograph, an exposure on a contact sheet from photographer and good friend of Christopher Lee's, Peter Nicolson, wasn't actually titled or labelled. But it looked pretty obvious to me and several others, that this was taken, during the shooting of AD. Nicolson took several amazing behind the scenes shots during filming, some were used in a feature on AD in volume 2 number 2, of Cinefantastique . . an issue until recently, I have never seen before until just a few days ago. Some thought on the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page it was taken during the making of 'Taste the Blood of Dracula'... why not slip along to the page and tell us, what you think? - Marcus


Monday 6 July 2020


#PETERCUSHING : Sherlock HOLMES! This rare photograph was shared this weekend at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE to an enormous response of LIKES and comments! Once again, proving that Cushing's interpretation of  probably the most popular detective in the world... is still just as popular as ever!

PETER CUSHING 'Past Forgetting' . . the publishing of Cushing's First autobiography . . 'Peter Cushing An Autobiography' in 1986.. was such a surprising and success to both him and his publishers, that another volume was quickly written and published in 1988, 'Past Forgetting' contained stories and anecdotes from his career before and after his time with Hammer films and his success appearing in fantasy genre cinema. 

MANY READERS FELT they wanted more, and maybe had his health improved, we may have also have received a third volume? A short time after the Peter Cushing Centenary in 2013 both the volumes were repackaged and published as 'Peter Cushing : The Complete Memoirs', with some new photographs... this book sold out within days, copies flew off the shelves in bookshops and drained the publisher!

ONE OF THE MANY positive things about the publishing of Peter autobiographers was, for both volumes he 'stepped out' and made signing sessions at book stores around the country. After a what was almost a 15 year period of quite reclusive living, leaving home in Whitstable only to work... Cushing was shocked by the love, affection and gratitude he received from the his public.

ABOVE: A LOVELY STORY from one of our followers and friends at the FACEBOOK fan page,  Jake! : RIGHT HERE!

FOR THE NEXT FEW YEARS, it was common to see him on his bike in his home town, eating in public and appearing on chat shows and radio.. writing the books would be and were indeed, as his good friend Sir John Mills told him, 'Wonderful therapy'! . .. So, I am curious as to how many of us at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE actually own a copy, of either or both or the combined book..and have read it? I have therefore, requested everyone to feel free to snap a selfie of you or your book and share with us at the page! Who would have thought, so many copies! 😮😀 Stay Safe everyone... love and take care 😉 - Marcus


Saturday 4 July 2020


TODAY AND DURING these times... please look after each other, have a good time and a safe time 😉

NEWS: SCREAM FACTORY gives a new release date for the much anticipated blu ray release of Hammer films LAST Peter Cushing / Frankenstein film, 'Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell' (1974)! Scream Factory has announced that they will bring Terence Fisher’s sixth and final entry in the frightening Frankenstein cycle to Cushing and Hammer fans on August 18th, 2020.

US FANS have waited a long time for this one, while the film has enjoyed distribution on blu ray in other international regions, over the last few years


... AND THEY WON'T  be disappointed with an addition of TWO NEW additions to the extras menus, not included on those other region releases : Audio Commentary With Film Historian/Author Steve Haberman And Film Historian / Film maker Constantine Nasr and a new documentary entitled, 'The Men Who Made Hammer': Roy Skeggs . . which one hopes that this is the first in a series of short docs on other Hammer 'men' and 'women' who helped to make Hammer such an amazingly successful production company . . also included are Audio Commentary With Actress Madeline Smith, Actor David Prowse, and Film Historian Jonathan Sothcott, a Theatrical Trailer and Radio Spots

DURING OUR #ThrowBackThursday this week, at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE I posted a rare and wonderful photograph of Peter Cushing back stage, making up and prepping for a theatre production probably around late 1940's early 50's. The title, I am STILL not sure about . . The Silver Whistle (??) but I am sure there are many out there that know much more about Peter's stage and theatre work than I profess to... who may identify the show he is appearing in! 😕 Any ideas?

AND FINALLY, at the Facebook PCASUK FAN PAGE this week, I posted this cute photograph of #VINCENTPRICE ... I loved the films which cast both Peter Cushing and Vincent together. I wish there were more...But, here's one of my fav Vincent Price pics... and as a quick puzzler I am asking, YOU which film does this come from AND who is the actress on the left? Many people did recognise it. Can YOU?

Tuesday 30 June 2020


POSTED AT THE FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE WITH OVER A 1,000 LIKES, is this fine full colour photograph, that I am sure you have seen many time in black and white by the late and super talented photographer, Terry O'Neil. Four legends in this pic, . . #PeterCushing, #VincentPrice, #ChristopherLee and #JohnCarradine in 'House of Long Shadows' (1983)... each left us with a stellar filmography, full of variety and cinematic history... .... I've been asking, could you select THE film that you think, in your personal opinion was the pinnacle of their movie careers though??? Suggestions please at the post on our Facebook Fan Page !

ON #SHERLOCKSUNDAY at the FAN PAGE we posted when Peter Cushing's Sherlock, got the 'stamp' of approval . . 

ON SUNDAY TOO lots of interest, when we posted this :Today we are wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the lovely ALICE KRIGE. Her first feature film role was in Chariots of Fire (1981) as the Gilbert and Sullivan singer Sybil Gordon.

Some of her best known roles are the dual role of Eva Galli/Alma Mobley in Ghost Story (1981) ,Mary Brady in Stephen Kings Sleepwalkers (1992) and the Borg Queen in the Star Trek franchise, beginning with the film Star Trek: First Contact and then reprising the role in the Star Trek Voyager finale 'Endgame'.

She co-starred with Peter Cushing in A Tale of Two Cities (1980) as Lucie Manette.....

ON MONDAY we posted this and marked this BIRTHDAY! Join us today in wishing DAVID CHIANG a VERY Happy Birthday! David Chiang Da-wei was born on the 29th June 1947 in Shanghai, (Republic of China) Chiang is a very famous actor and director, producer in Hong Kong. Chiang was very much a martial arts superstar in the 1970s, working under the Shaw Brothers Studio. He has appeared in over 130 films and over 30 television series.

IN 1974, Chiang starred along side Peter Cushing in Hammer films first of two co-partner feature films with Hong Kong based studio, Shaw Brothers. 'The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires' Peter for the last time resurrected his character of Van Helsing, and together with Chiang, Julie Ege and Robin Stewart, took on an oriental Dracula played by actor John Forbes Robertson and a hoard of Kung Fu zombie vampires!


Friday 26 June 2020


A RARE SHOT and pose of #PeterCushing and #DaveProwse in #STARWARS ..that you won't see in the film, this was taken by the production stills photographer. What a terrifying duo!

PETER CUSHING'S  Golden Rule . . . Over at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page we are asking if our friends and followers have one too?

 . . . AND SO AFTER PETER CUSHING'S ADVICE  . .  #ChristopherLee's. . .

IF YOU HAVE MISSED IT . .  there are still a few days to get YOUR answer in at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page 😊 Good Luck and .. have fun! - Marcus 

Thursday 25 June 2020


BOX CLEVER ANSWER: Yesterday, I posted a photograph of an 'interesting' multi layer case-box and asked you if you could identify what it was, who was its owner ..and maybe it's contents! A larger version of the pic was also posted at the website, so you get a closer look, if needed. It was quite a puzzle for some, as the compartments of the box also contained, cotton wool balls, pencils, paint brushes.. and two knives and forks!!

ABOVE : ROY ASHTON MODELS HIS FANGS, that were used by David Peel in Hammer films, 'THE BRIDES OF DRACULA' (1960) Peter Cushing's second outing as Van Helsing!

SUGGESTIONS OF  'Something to do with model soldiers?' from Darren Park, was a good guess, as the box has a connection with Peter Cushing and this could have easily been a handy box for his painting and making of his mass collection of model soldiers and model theatres 😉 Daniel Worlsey suggested something similar in 'Is it it not Cushing’s “bit box”, wherein he keeps all the tools for gaming miniatures, paints and the left over bits and bobs of such a hobby?' Mateja Djedovic, asked if it was 'A vampire hunter tool kit box' ! 😁. It could have been, that fork looked nasty! 😉 Stephen Johnson said 'Is it Peter's private make up box, as he was allergic to the studio make up?🤔' which was a good answer and certainly on the right track! Donna Vallois Broughton thought it was a 'Fishing box' 🤔. Hmm...I too have seen plastic versions of these boxes used for that job too. One of the clues was that weird fork 😉 Colleen Crouch suggested 'It looks like a make-up kit. I'd guess Phil Leakey's. Wonder what the fork is for...🤔 The Cushing Connection would be Curse of Frankenstein, among other films.

THIS FORK LEAD QUITE A FEW to the ANSWER : Roy Ashton's Make Up Box. Roy had three. He said, 'One to beautify, one for extras and crowd and the other... for more extensive jobs, like monsters!' This box held fangs, latex vampire bite marks, noses, ears and of course two bottles of 'Kensington Gore'... blood! The Knife and Fork, Roy used '..for lunch'! Often he would find himself on location, or unable to leave work for the 'canteen or catering truck, so would bring his own lunch.. and use THAT knife and fork!

A ROY ASHTON QUIZ from the past! You can find the answers to 'NAME THE MONSTER' HERE! 

NAME DROP ALERT! I did three interviews with Roy, and one quite detailed video interview while he worked. He was always very kind and I was very fortunate to meet him and his wife at home too. You wouldn't think such a charming, calm gentleman could devise and create such works of terror and horror... but he did 😊 

THE BOX IN QUESTION has many connections to Hammer films, Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, Amicus and Tyburn productions. Roy told me he only replaced the 'monster box once.. in 1960. The other one the hinges broke!!'😕 So I asked him, which films and creations was THIS box in partnership with himself responsible for?' He replied ' Well. Most of them after 1960... certainly one you would be interested in with Peter. Arthur Grimsdyke in 'Tales from the Crypt'! He then pulled things from the box, that would have been typical of the materials he used over the period of working with Peter on the character, latex, make up sticks Leichner 'Greasepaint 'G' Stick - Light Blue, Black and Greasepaint Stick - Light Grey.. and TISSUE PAPER for Grimsdyke's skin! So HERE was THE box!

QUITE A FEW OF YOU cracked it, but WELL DONE Robert Withers, who got it in 20 minutes with ' Roy Ashton’s box of tricks' 😀 Also, Deb Duncan-Faul, Ben Smothers took two guesses, but got it. No one guessed the movie, lots of suggestions, but not the title I was looking for. . .

ABOVE : ACTOR DANIEL JOHNS who was transformed by Roy Ashton into a 'living wax mannequin' with Peter Cushing in Amicus films 'ASYLUM' (1972)

MIKE GIACOLONE, was almost there with 'Jimmy Sangster's lunch box!!' Sangster was probably there for most of Roy's work in some fashion or another, having written most of the Hammer films on which he did the make up. Thanks for everyone who took part, had a go. I hope you like the photographs too! 😉 Another one soon 😉 - Marcus
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