THIS IS AMAZING! A HUGE thank you to everyone who visits and supports
this Facebook Fan Page and who has joined us in the last SEVEN DAYS,
since we announced reaching TWENTY TWO thousand followers!
THE PETER CUSHING Appreciation Society Facebook Fan Page now has Over 23
THOUSAND Friends and Followers! This, I hope you realise, has only
been archived with your fantastic support, your likes, shares. The total
was hit BEFORE my chat with Nick Digilio on WGN RADIO in the USA,
yesterday. You may have spotted the change in the total, like I did on
Wednesday. I thought there was a bug or a glitch in the facebook we waited, to see if it changed. But no, it racked up 22
thousand last Wednesday, and THIS Wednesday this NEW total was reached.
It's still climbing!

I GUESS THIS PROVES what we have always known... it isn't really a
question of Peter Cushing's assured place in cinema history, this proof
of his relevance... TODAY! You prove that, and not just here.... I'll
leave you with this though... A tool I use to assist with managing the
website and this page, is an 'ALERT' option on my google mail. So, if
any news, feature or mention of Peter Cushing is made on the net, I get a
notification in my mail, to let me know. Let me just say, SIX out SEVEN
days, there are ALWAYS fifty to sixty the morning!
That is filled up again with NEW notifications after lunch! AS Peter
said about Helen when she passed, 'She hasn't GONE anywhere, she is
HERE!' I have to agree, Peter Cushing is very much alive and
kicking...and not just here either!
COME AND BE PART of the Society! The Peter Cushing Appreciation Society
Facebook Fan Page on FACEBOOK: JUST CLICK : HERE