WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! Congratulations to all
five! The answers to our 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' blu ray /dvd
combo competition. THANK YOU
to everyone who entered, if you didn't win a copy of this
Cushing Sherlock Cracker, the first it's been released on BLU RAY.. don't despair, there will be ANOTHER FIVE
copies to win THIS TUESDAY in a 'sudden death' competition that will
last ONLY SIX HOURS! Stay Tuned For Details.... A VERY BIG Thank you to
the team at Shock for so generously sponsoring our competition!
Here are the MISSING ITEMS we were looking for:
Case of the Missing Objects! Did you SOLVE the case? Here are the items
that were missing from EXHIBIT TWO in our 'Hound of the Baskervilles'
Competition... there were TEN...for some there were eleven (!!!) But as
long as you included the ten we were
looking for your entry was popped into the deerstalker and part of a
very popular draw!
1. Axe Behind Light Is Missing 2. Lamp Stand Missing
3. Picture to right of Sherlock replaced with photograph of Peter
Cushing from The Vampire Lovers 4. Sherlock's Finger Missing 5. Studs
Missing From Sherlock's Chair 6. Buttons Missing from Sherlock's Jacket
7.Detailing On bed Pillar removed 8. Blank Picture behind Watson 9.
Watson's Ear Missing 10. Watson's pipe is missing....
There will ANOTHER
COMPETITION on TUESDAY 30th SEPTEMBER (This Tuesday)..with another
chance to win a further FIVE COPIES., in a SUDDEN DEATH comp that will
only last SIX HOURS. Look out for details TOMORROW!