PETER CUSHING on THIS IS YOUR LIFE from 1990. And VERY happy and humble he LOOKS too! It's interesting how many women there are and the women, connected to Cushing who actually
appear on the show. Even though some of Cushing's closest actress
friends were then living away from the UK, where the show was recorded,
they are absent from the recording . . Long time friend and college
INGRID PITT is missing and siting drinking coffee, just outside London! A show like this, that ploughs into the public
and private life of the subject on display, can be a sensitive and quite
political exercise. Although, Cushing reacts as though it's all a BIG
surprise, he did know the show was happening. He wasn't over the moon
about appearing, so the handling of guests, was the responsibility of a
trusted and close 'associate'. We can presume, those choices were behind
the participating guests...and why Christopher Lee is NOT in the
THIS CUSHING FEMME FATALE FEATURE is PART ONE of a TWO PART feature, a little peep at the actresses he also knew Peter in their private lives too! MORE to come in Part TWO next FRIDAY! ENJOY!!
THIS CUSHING FEMME FATALE FEATURE is PART ONE of a TWO PART feature, a little peep at the actresses he also knew Peter in their private lives too! MORE to come in Part TWO next FRIDAY! ENJOY!!
THIS upload has been added to the NEW PCAS YOUTUBE CHANNEL library and taken from the old PCAS YOUTUBE CHANNEL, where it was shared five years ago . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e96Mf...