Wednesday, 21 July 2021


'WOMAN OF MY AGE ARE STILL ATTRACTIVE. Men of my age are not' ... so said, this amazing icon of entertainment on her last birthday, last year, the year she sadly left us. And you know, Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg, DBE...did then and does still now have a very good point. Many actors from her era have either left us too, or look like an unmade bed! 

WE ALL KNOW, maybe the Cushing Connection here, 'Mrs Peel' in the Brit 1960's TV series, #TheAvengers, where PC played the very dashing Paul Beresford, a smooth operator, pushing all the buttons as romantic interest for Rigg's all action Mrs Peel and a finger on the button of death that commanded his deadly Cybernaut! 

DIANA RIGG'S CAREER also features the splendid 'Theatre of Blood' with Vincent Price. She also worked with Christopher Lee in the Avengers tv series in 'Never, Never Say Die' in 1967.

THE LAST MONTHS OF HER CAREER were spent working on the international hit tv series, #GameofThrones. Diana Rigg always made it very clear she was never in any hurry to retire, which makes her passing in 2020, such a very sad time. She leaves such an excellent body of work and memories for those who enjoyed her work both live on stage and on tv too. Join us in remembering Diana Rigg today and enjoy her memory and wonderful work.. any day 😊 Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg DBE born today in 1938.

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