Sunday, 18 July 2021


TODAY we remember actor #RichardPasco born on this day in 1926 He appeared with #PeterCushing in Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960) 'The Gorgon' (1964). Other roles for #Hammer include Rasputin, the Mad Monk (1966) with Christopher Lee and Yesterday's Enemy (1959) 

ABOVE:Richard Pasco and Peter Cushing in The Sword Of Sherwood Forest (1960) 

PASCO was one of the fine classical actors of his generation.

ABOVE:Richard Pasco and Christopher Lee in The Gorgon (1964) 

THOUGH he did not achieve the star status that would have come from appearing in a long-running TV series, no one who saw it will ever forget his alternation of the roles of #RichardII and Bolingbroke in a famous 1973 #RSC production.

ABOVE: Richard Pasco with Peter Cushing in Hammer's 'The Gorgon' (1964) 

GIFTED with a mellifluous voice and a strong presence, he worked with all the major companies, including long stints at Bristol Old Vic and Birmingham Rep in their heyday. Pasco had a prolific, stage-driven career that few young actors today can hope to emulate.

#PeterCushing in a rare on set shot, while rehearsing #AmicusFilms 'The House That Dripped Blood' .. minus his 'smoking jacket', 'suit' or 'casual jacket' in shirt sleeves! Not a look Cushing presented that often on screen. 'Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell', 'Night of the Big Heat' and 'Frankenstein Created Woman' and 'Evil of Frankenstein' are the only four I can recall. Over at the , I do mention that his certainly falls into the 'nerd-list-of-Cushing-Facts' 😆.. but can anyone think of any others... and quite a few do!

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