Thursday, 15 April 2021


HERE'S QUICK CATCH UP ON hat has been shared and posted at the over the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE over the past four days! Starting BIG GUNS, with prompted quick a few interesting suggestions and comments! Christopher Lee and Edward Woodward during the making of 'The Wicker Man' .. the release of the complete and unedited dvd and blu ray of the film is a real plus, seeing something of how the film should have looked, before it was hacked and grudgingly released back in 1973. I think Woodward makes a superb, Howie.. and not so sure, if Cushing's scheduling had fitted, if his portrayal of that role, would have been so different, to have maybe changed the film? Lots of comments when we asked, 'What do you think?' Feel free to click the link and add your thoughts too..

BEHIND THE SCENES: Fun at Pyrford Place, West Byfleet, Surrey, England during the making MADHOUSE of with Peter and Vincent Price.
ON #THROWBACK THURSDAY yesterday, April 15th 2021 we shared these TWO posts from April 15th 2016, posted FIVE years ago at the PCASUK fan page 😊 Great photographs of Peter and Vincent Price back in 1974 making 'Madhouse' and two great shots of #JonPertwee in 'The House that Dripped Blood' Goodness, so much has happened since then? Can you recall where you were and what you were doing TODAY five years ago? - Marcus

Jon Pertwee and Geoffrey Bayldon in The House That Dripped Blood (1971) from the very popular 'The Cloak' Segment

A rare publicity portrait of JON PERTWEE as Paul Henderson in the fourth story "The Cloak", from Amicus / AIP 'THE HOUSE THAT DRIPPED BLOOD' (1971)

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE     

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