Saturday 8 August 2020


AFTER A WAIT OF SOME TWO WEEKS, little ol me and thousands of other regular BLOGGERS have been waiting to see WHAT the FINAL results of Blogger's revamp was going to look like...and if it would make the business of managing a blog, any more difficult, from what we have been very happy with for the last ten years!

WHILE WE WAITED, I read many features and comments on forums, from some VERT unhappy bloggers, who had spent ten years or more building a huge archive on their personal blogs. Photographs, artwork, features... it all takes time and in some cases, unless you make a 'copy' of your content... all the work and effort could be lost or untransferable to another site. It looked like for a few days like everything had changed, buttons were missing, hard to find and all kinds of worrying developments and angry bloggers, who were ready to up-camped and move elsewhere. For us, I am happy to say that right now... it looks like things have settled and the dashboard and outcomes DO look pretty much the same pre the Blogger change. It's changes that maybe most visitors wont be away of maybe, but for the Bloggers who spend MANY hours creating posts, it doe make a difference... especially if you are not that computer or tech savvy! It is one of the REAL positives of Blogger... it is easy to use. Features can be for some a little basic, but for us.. that's fine. For me, the creation is in the making of the banner and the writing.. NOT my lay out. It's one of the many things that I think has kept our PCASUK Blog popular... easy to find, read, explore and navigate! So THANK YOU Blogger for making the changes I hope, effective and simple for us simple Bloggers and not changing too much. So it's back to posting and sharing the contents of the FACEBOOK PCAS FAN PAGE   AND here's to ANOTHER TEN YEARS! - Marcus

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