It's been a very good year for 'nice'
things landing on the hall mat. But this morning a gentle thud, brought a
wonderful surprise! Your host has often wondered, why hasn't anyone
ever pulled together all the 'best of' photographs from Hammer 'Dracula'
movies and plopped them all together in one book? Good quality
printing, not that awful blocky, cheap printed, pixelated mess, just
full page publicity stills, colour, black and white, no duplicating or
doubling up of images, and don't spare the rare ones either!... a lovely
way of bringing them all together. A tall order, you'd think? Well,
Hajime Ishida has met the challenge and done just that. It's a 'thing of
beauty! All NINE Hammer Dracula films are here in half, quarter and
full page photographs. You'll be pleased to hear, Peter Cushing is very
well represented too. It's a winner! It's 96 pages of 'what you want'!
I've attached a link to Hajime's 'Monsterzine' facebook page. So, do
yourself a favour and place an order for what is indeed, this years
Christmas Cracker! Thank You, Hajime ! A job very well done indeed!