Here is a NICE freebie! Today is Frankenstein Friday here at the PCASUK
Facebook Fan Page AND and at our website... We have a quite a few NEW
FREE TOP PRIZE competitions coming up soon and what better way to pave
the way, to 'giving goodies, blu rays and stuffs away..' than another
free contact print, from a fav Peter Cushing Hammer film.
THIS SCENE with Peter Cushing from 'Frankenstein
Must Be Destroyed' where these rare and hi res contact prints /
photographs were taken, was VOTED your favourite Peter Cushing
Frankenstein Scene, a few years ago...
ABOVE are TWO very large exposures, featuring Peter as Baron
Frankenstein in that scene... unwater-marked, in hi res and ready for
you to copy, edit and add to your digital collection OR print off and
maybe frame... I know many of you have done that before๐What a great way to end the week and start the weekend.. Thank FRANK it's Friday ๐ Have fun ๐ - Marcus