FOR COLLECTORS of Peter Cushing material and any other full time movie fans, there is a preoccupation, that seems to kick in, anytime we are in town, out shopping or visiting a high street or mall. Personally, my first trip is into any book shop. I change spectecles and scan the shelves looking for something interesting. I can usually find something, but it's rarely as rewarding as where I venture off to next. The CHARITY shop! I have lost count of the many messages and stories I have received at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE from the many of you who have bagged a bargian finding hardback releases of the very popular Alan Frank 'Horror Movies' books from the 1970's and 80's. For some of us, these book were purchased when we were teenagers, read and read until the glue spine broke, pages fell out, and the book get lost and parted company, when we left home for Uni or to start our own families. Finding any of these books, after a sometime 30 or more years separation, is like meeting an old friend!

SO MANY CHARITIES now, have moved into our high streets in the UK. Every one of these stores seems to be packed and selling clothing, second hand shoes, small furniture and what my Mum used to call, 'Bric-a-brac'! All for a reasonable price, but it isn't any of those tidd bits, which brings me in. I am after BOOKS. If I can find any book that has a film angle, I'll pick it up, and if it isn't something I want to keep after reading, I'll take it back, for the store to resell. There have been a few days, that have resulted in a real find, but nothing as good a find, as JAKE CRACKNELL made a few months ago . .

JAKE LIVES on the Isle of Wight. And on this day, Jake was shopping on his own, in his local 'Tesco Extra; supermarket. 'I was just doing some shopping by myself. Went to the check out, filled my bags and just as I was leaving the store, I noticed they had a charity book shelf. I could see they had quite a few books and they were all being sold for a donation. So, I put my bags down and had a look. As usual with these type of things, there were lots of romantic novels, which don't interest me. I am a huge Peter Cushing and Star Wars fan, so anything on that, would make me very happy.' says Jake. It was while he scanned the spins of the books and paperbacks, he spotted a spine that was dark blue, and unbelievably, he could see the name, CUSHING in gold lettering! ' I couldn't believe it, it was a hardback of Peter Cushing's Biography Volume One!' says Jake. 'I quickly picked it up, checked the dust cover for any damage. It was just like new! I couldn't beleive my luck! So, making my contribution in the charity box, I popped it in my bag and made off for home.'

THAT WAS THREE MONTHS AGO. Just two days ago, Jake sent us a message. 'I was in Tesco's a few months ago, and was lucky to find a copy of Peter Cushing's autobiography in a charity book pile! I was very happy to find it and now have my own copy. A few days ago, I thought I would start to give it a read' Then Jake's message got very interesting. 'The book had been clumsily stacked with the others in the charity pile at the supermarket, and the dust cover flap had slipped and was folded in and over, holding the first few pages of the book. It was only when I opened it, and rearranged the pages and put the dust cover leaf back in place, I noticed something written on the title page in ink!! 'STEPHEN : 86 : Peter Cushing'. I am REALLY SHOCKED! Please could you tell me if this IS Peter Cushing's autograph? Many Thanks, Jake.'

JAKE HAD MADE the rare find of bagging a SIGNED Peter Cushing Autobiography, in a charity box pile! I KNOW Tesco's strap line slogan is 'EVERY LITTLE HELPS' and they provide what they say is a LITTLE XTRA' but this purchase was certainly, special with MORE than a little extra! I have often had messages from many of you who have found copies of BOTH autobiographies in charity stores, for a POUND or LESS! But, this is the first time, I have heard of a SIGNED one being found. I wrote back to Jake and told him, he was a lucky chap! It was indeed, Peter's signature. Well done! Jake is one of many younger followers to this society, who are just as interested in Peter's work and films as we are. What an amazing bit of luck to have found not just a copy of Peter's book, but a signed copy. For those of you, who this weekend have cruised your weekly trip into the charity shops and their book piles, have faith. It MIGHT just happen again!