TODAY we mark and celebrate the birthday of actor, DAVE PROWSE born today July 1st in 1935. What Prowse passing did for many, who knew him for his role as #DarthVader in the Star Wars movies, was raise awareness to a long and impressive career both on screen and off it!
PROWSE worked with #PeterCushing in not only Cushing's last #Hammer #Frankenstein film 'Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell' but also, of course when Prowse first played Vader in ' #StarWars: A New Hope' with Cushing as #GrandMoffTarkin,
made them both a very interesting interesting partnership and a part of
'Star Wars' cinema history, like Prowse, that will never be forgotten . .
Remembered today, David Charles Prowse MBE, English #bodybuilder, weightlifter and character actor in British film and television. . .
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