Monday, 28 June 2021


PAINTING ICONS! Two portraits fresh off the brush of Peter and #VincentPrice from artist Butch Curry. Butch has a IMGUR page where he has shared these today, CLICK HERE! He says, 'Peter Cushing, work in progress. Just started today! Because someone asked about it, this one and Vincent are in oil paint. I've gotten pretty quick with it through lots of practice! Because some other folks have asked, sadly no, I don't have a shop to sell prints or anything like that. Sorry!' So any interest, I suggest, dropping a line to his account 😊 I think the PC one, even though still a work in progress, is a cracker! Remember, if you have art work, or have spotted one that you think, should be shared, send it along 😉 - Marcus

'I've seen the likes tonight that mortal eyes shouldn't look at!'... say that line of dialogue and any #Hammerfilm fan worth his or her salt, quick as a flash will reply, '#MichaelRipper, as the poacher in 'The Mummy!'.. And it is Michael Ripper who we remember today on the day his passing 28th June 2000.

MICHAEL RIPPER appeared in many productions for Hammer, seven with #PeterCushing, nine with Christopher Lee. Inn keepers, coachmen, police officers, Ripper an accomplished stage and film actor it could be argued is as much part of the Hammer family as Cushing, Lee, Fisher and Francis. #ChristopherLee once announced to a packed convention in #Baltimore, with Ripper standing at his side.. 'This man IS Hammer!' And for many of us, he always will be . . 

THERE IS A FULL and image stocked TRIBUTE  today, over at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE. Please go along and check out the thread and maybe add your thoughts on Michael Ripper too?  

TODAY we are wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the lovely ALICE KRIGE! Her first feature film role was in Chariots of Fire (1981) as the Gilbert and Sullivan singer Sybil Gordon. Some of her best known roles are the dual role of Eva Galli/Alma Mobley in 'Ghost Story' (1981), Mary Brady in Stephen King's 'Sleepwalkers' (1992) and the Borg Queen in the 'Star Trek' franchise, beginning with the film 'Star Trek: First Contact'.

ALICE WENT ON to then reprise the role in the Star Trek Voyager finale 'Endgame'. We note her today, for her co-starring role with Peter Cushing in 'A Tale of Two Cities' (1980) as Lucie Manette.....Happy Birthday, Alice Krige!

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE  

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