Tuesday, 30 March 2021


#ChristopherLee and Herve Villechaize, in a 1974 promo interview with Bobby Wygant for 'The Man with the Golden Gun' ... there is much in this chat, that makes quite insensitive, un-pc and weird viewing today. In 1974 the producers idea of teaming a 6ft 4' actor with a "person of short stature" a great box office and commercial angle.

SOME TODAY, would no doubt still see that to be the case. What is interesting here is, learning of Lee's problems too. Make of it what you will, even without these awkward areas, it is still a strange interview today . . Although, personally for Lee, his intelligence and good manners, maybe saves his day? What do you think?? You'll find this post at the facebook fan page, RIGHT HERE!

CANDID CUSHING: Peter Cushing and his wife Helen at the premiere of 'The End Of The Affair' in London, February 1955

#TOOCOOLTUESDAY REQUESTED RE-POST How cool is this? Peter Cushing's walks through his home town of Whitstable were often opportunities for visiting fans to bump into Peter and have a chat, but also Peter had many friends in the town, who he would often meet on the street or beach, during his daily jaunt. One of these were the Hewlett family. Many UK followers here will I am sure recognise Donald from the extremely popular 1970's BBC tv comedy series, 'It Ain't Half Hot, Mum', in which he played Colonel Charles Reynolds šŸ˜€ Peter was very good friends with the family. This photograph was taken on the beach just outside Peter's own front door  . . .

WHEN FRASER MET PETER CUSHING: Thanks to Fraser Tennant who sent in this pic of his meeting with PC in Whitstable back in 1986. If you have pic of a meeting with Peter Cushing that you'd like to share, we'd love to share it! Here's Fraser story behind this meeting: 'This picture was taken on 27 July 1986 in Whitstable, Kent, but outside a bookshop (the name of which I can no longer recall). 
'My family and I had gone to Whitstable on holiday with the vague notion of perhaps meeting Cushing , I cannot recall why we thought this, but it was around the time of the publication of his first autobiography. We visited the afore-mentioned bookshop where we were told that he was away. As we were leaving Whitstable we stopped at the Tudor Tea Rooms where we encountered the man himself. Being slightly intimidated at that time, my father approached him first and then I went over to speak to him face-to-face. I remember he was reading a Sherlock Holmes story'.
'Next he kissed my motherā€™s hand and we all discussed a few things including that weekā€™s Royal Wedding (Andrew and Sarah) and the House of the Long Shadows film. He then went outside and got on his bike and we went back to meet him at the bookshop where the picture was taken and he signed a number of items for me including the book and some photographs. Iā€™m really so glad that we got a picture as memory does tend to fade after a while....' 

POSTED ON MARCH 27TH, THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF ACTOR RALPH BATES PASSINGā€¦. 'The actor RALPH BATES, who sadly left us 30 years ago today, pictured here with his son Will Bates, who also played his on screen son in the sitcom Dear John. A much loved man by everyone who ever met him.... and very good friend to lovers of his films, always had a smile, never turned down an interview, such a lovely, solid bloke.


HERE ARE SOME IMAGES taken by Ralph Bates wife, Virginia Wetherell Bates of Ralph Bates resting place along with his memorial at Chiswick Cemetery, London. Many thanks to Timon Goode for sharing these. . . - Marcus 

"When Ralph was diagnosed as having cancer of the pancreas, I was told that nothing could be done and he only had between six and eight weeks left to live. He was 50 years old, playing in the West End with a movie lined up for the autumnā€¦.he and our 13 year old son, William, had enjoyed the summer together messing about in boats and heā€™d spent many evenings with Daisy, our daughter, helping her with lines for the TV series, ā€œForever Greenā€. I couldnā€™t believe this was happening to my familyā€¦surely it wasnā€™t true, something could be done.
But it couldnā€™t. And in spite of the tremendous care at the Royal Masonic Hospital, the predictions were correct. Ten weeks and one day later, Ralph diedā€
Virginia Bates - Ralph Bates Wife  

The Ralph Bates Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund, is a registered charity with trustees of Virginia Bates, Dr John Glees MD FRCR, Michael Bridge FCA, Sharon Sullivan, Nigel Baly BSC, Les Biggs ACIS (Secretary) and Sir Peter Blake CBE,RDI,RA. If you need their help or want to make a contribution or contact them , here is a LINK and their location. HERE and here: Bates Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund 317 Old Bedford Road, LUTON, LU2 7BL England.

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE    

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