Sunday, 31 January 2021


SINCE THE FIRST #Hammerfilms Frankenstein movie in 1957, then followed by Cushing's appearance as the iconic detective in 1959, in 'The Hound of the Baskervilles', Peter Cushing and a publicity photograph posed with a magnifying glass, held up to his probing eye, has never been far away. More or less any synopsis that carries a scene of investigation be it criminal, scientific, almost always merited PC and the glass, with his LEFT eye magnified to startling proportions! 

COME 1984, the shot and pose was so well known and expected, that Cushing's guest appearance in the  Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Jerry Zucker spoof spy movie 'Top Secret', kicked off with a shot his book store proprietor, peering into the camera, while reading a book with, a magnifying glass, with of course large right eye! It is only when Cushing moves the glass from his eye, we see the right eye IS huge . . without the magnification!

IT WAS A GOOD quick gag and quite unexpected. 

#PeterCushing and #BurgessMeredith in #AmicusFilms 'TortureGarden' (1966) .. sadly they didn't share a scene together, but Cushing's scenes with #JackPalance were total magic. What a shame that the opportunity for PC to work with them again, never happened. With a magic wand, which Peter Cushing film, would you have cast BOTH of them with Cushing... if you could? ๐Ÿ˜Š

#ChristopherLee on his time fronting the US 'Saturday Night Live' show in 1978.

BACK IN THE LATE 1950's televisions had really become popular, even though we had two television channels to watch, black and white broadcast picture! TV's were still quite expensive, but a live televised event on 2 June, 1953 soon changed that, #QueenElizabethII was crowned and everyone wanted a TV to tube in! Television's were also expensive to get repaired, so a company called Telesurance started up business, where you could pay weekly or monthly to cover costs of blown valves, tubes and amps!

THERE WAS ONE ACTOR who was seen more on tv in #BBC dramas and chat shows at this time, more than most. Such was his popularity, he was one of the very much sort after faces in the collectable cards, that the company offered to customers to collect! This one at some point was also signed by #PeterCushing
OVER AT THE Facebook PCASUK Fan Page, we've asked if you collect cards which also featured PC? I'd love to see them๐Ÿ˜Š Joke from UK celebrity and comedian #TommyTrinder in the mid 1950's : 'What sits in your living room corner with buttons on ,and entertains entertains, EVERY night? Answer : Peter Cushing' ๐Ÿ˜†

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features ad prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE 

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