Monday, 27 July 2020


THE WHOLE 'IS SNOKE REALLY TARKIN?' question has been buzzing around for a few years now. Well, let's FACE it...pardon the pun.... if Cushing had another brother,  . . .with a wife MORE frightening and unreasonable than the one he DID have... sorry I jest 😉😃. .  IF Cushing had another brother, as well as David (the farmer!)... this guy could have easily have passed, as Cushing's  nightmare looking twin! But, a very recent statement during an interview yesterday, designer of the Supreme Leader Snoke make up Ivan Manzella, kinda put the 'is-he-isn't-he?' theory to sleep, with statements about the influences on his design that harken back to the earliest days of the saga. ....

“I actually based him on Peter Cushing, because there were always Snoke theories that he was Grand Moff Tarkin, which I always found quite amusing. You can see there are elements there. The maquette, there’s elements of Peter Cushing, just the cheekbone and the profile and stuff, but he wasn’t meant to be Peter Cushing. He was my Hammer reference, kind of thing.”

“He was quite graphic in that first iteration, in Force Awakens. You don’t really see much, he’s a hologram, I guess. What they did to him there is they got rid of some of his … they made his face a bit more friendlier, he went more to a flesh color and some of his face was softened up a bit so it wasn’t so graphic. He originally had that hole in the side of his face taken out, it was really kind of nasty stuff going on. I quite liked the idea of him having a marble skin type, all the veining like you get in marble, and these piercing, blue eyes. But he kind of evolved and got a little bit softer, I think.”

Well, Snoke maybe not be Tarkin back from the grave but, in my book he's at least 70% Peter Cushing! You think? - Marcus😉

All interview text the property of Force Material 
More artwork and designs at Ivan Manzella's website : HERE! 

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