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Showing posts with label europe. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 July 2016


WE'VE CLOCKED UP ANOTHER THOUSAND FRIENDS at our FACEBOOK FAN PAGE! Looking back at posts there from the last five to six weeks, I see, we've had over three thousand new friends and followers join us, in a very short period of time! Which has to be said, is a pretty neat achievement, WITHOUT any paid-for promotion, boosts and despite facebook's own unmanned and promoted community page, squashing our style and messing us around with their shenanigans. I truly do find it amazing that the popularity of Peter Cushing and his work is still as popular as ever...and to think he once closed his fan clubs back in the early 1980's...because he thought no one would be interested during his semi retirement!

SO,WHAT DOES THIS INCREASE MEAN TO YOU...? Well, with more of you commenting, daily looking in and making this fan page a truly interactive extension of our website, it certainly makes it easier for me to encourage distributors to support us and sponsor your competitions with great prizes, it opens the door in helping us get exposure for Peter work on radio internationally as we have seen in the last few weeks...and ultimately, it helps the keep the memory of the Peter Cushing and for the future! Please remember, sharing our posts here via G+,  and likes and shares at our facebook fan page REALLY DO make all the difference on facebook, on EVERY post. it's the interaction that spreads the word and helps make your Peter Cushing page a REAL to all you new followers, a WARM WELCOME and we all look forward to your posts and comments, don't be shy, there are no experts here, we are here with two purposes in mind, to have FUN and a great time, whilst celebrating that chap we all know and love! Thank you for your continued support and friendship , here's to TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND! Marcus
 #petercushing #hammerfilms #christopherlee

MORE posts, MORE images, MORE content, MORE news MORE EVER DAY

Saturday 2 July 2016


While not a Peter Cushing  film, the Horror of Frankenstein is included here because it is part of the Hammer films Frankenstein series and while Cushing didn't appear in the film, it's of interest as an example of how Hammer tried to experiment with a winning formula . . .  and failed.
Ralph Bates (Victor Frankenstein), Dave Prowse (The Monster), Kate O’Mara (Alys), Veronica Carlson (Elizabeth Heiss), Graham James (Wilhelm Kastner), Dennis Price (Grave Robber), Bernard Archer (Professor Heiss), Jon Finch (Lieutenant Henry Becker)

Director/Producer – Jimmy Sangster, Screenplay – Jimmy Sangster & Jeremy Burnham, Photography – Moray Grant, Music – Malcolm Williamson, Make up – Tom Smith, Art Direction – Scott MacGregor. Production Company – Hammer/EMI.

VICTOR FRANKENSTEIN, a cold, arrogant and womanising genius, is angry when his father forbids him to continue his anatomical experiments. He sabotages his father’s shotgun, causing him to be killed. Inheriting the family fortune, Victor uses this to enter med school in Vienna but is forced to return home when he gets the dean’s daughter pregnant. There he sets up laboratory, starting a series of experiments into the revivification of the dead. Eventually, he builds up a composite body from human parts, which he brings to life.

THE HORROR OF FRANKENSTEIN was the fifth film in Hammer’s Frankenstein series. By 1970, Hammer had regurgitated most of their monster themes several times over. The Horror of Frankenstein came at the point Hammer were starting to inject new blood into their product. The influence of the younger generation was making itself felt and Hammer were casting younger stars, recruiting young directors, not to mention placing an open emphasis on sexuality in films.

WITH THE HORROR OF FRANKENSTEIN, screenwriter Jimmy Sangster was brought back to rewrite his script for The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), which started the series and Hammer’s reputation as a horror industry leader off thirteen years before, while he was also allowed to make his début as director. The role of Frankenstein was given a facelift and Peter Cushing was unceremoniously dumped from the role in favour of Ralph Bates whom Hammer were grooming as a new horror star at the time.

PUBLICITY STILLS were shot on the set with Ralph Bates and Peter Cushing shaking hands to announce the change. The future of the Frankenstein series seemed to be heading in a new direction ... only The Horror of Frankenstein was a disaster and the Hammer Frankenstein series failed to go in any new directions.

THE HORROR OF FRANKENSTEIN starts in with a promising sense of black humour. However, the opening tapers off and Jimmy Sangster thereafter seems uncertain whether he is delivering parody or straight melodrama. The effort turns out dismally where all that Sangster ends up doing is weakly echoing The Curse of Frankenstein in a plot that seems more interested in Frankenstein’s sexual dalliances than his medical obsessions. The sets seem flatly lit. Dave Prowse, the bodybuilder who later played Darth Vader in Star Wars (1977) and sequels, turns the monster into a mindless brute. The best thing about the film is Ralph Bates’s cold and arrogant Frankenstein but the rest of the show is dreary and dull.

THE SADDEST THING about The Horror of Frankenstein is that it comes from Jimmy Sangster who did such a fine job in tuning the script for Hammer’s The Curse of Frankenstein. There is such a gulf between The Curse of Frankenstein and the loose remake here in terms of quality with Sangster seeming to understand so little about what made the original work that the success of Curse can only be placed down to director Terence Fisher.

The other Hammer Frankenstein films are:– The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958), The Evil of Frankenstein (1964), Frankenstein Created Woman (1967), Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969) and Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1973).
REVIEW: Richard Scheib
IMAGES: Marcus Brooks

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