Thursday, 31 March 2022


THE FOLLOWING is a post made at the Facebook PCASuk Fan Page today . . .

'WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE MY ETCHINGS? wink😉 wink😉 Well, here's two and an interesting query from a #PeterCushing fan! 'I don't have the films on dvd or tape, but me and a few others huge Christopher Lee fans in my family, were arguing last night, that the black and white drawing hanging in #VanHelsing's office of #Dracula is the SAME drawing that is also seen on the Scars of Dracula posters and the cover of a Scars of Dracula film dvd I do own. Please tell me I am right, there's a family take-away supper hanging on this. Thank you, Dave T Graham and family'

'HI DAVE!  I have posted and shared several photographs here and a blu ray scan of what are TWO portraits. They were used in TWO separate Hammer Dracula films, '#ScarsofDracula' and '#DraculaAD1972' you'll see that the AD one looks very similar in style to the SCARS publicity portrait.. but, nope I am afraid they are not the same artwork. The SCARS style portrait by artist MICHAEL VAUGHAN, who also created the #HorrorofFrankenstein poster art, was actually used in several characters featured on the poster too. But that ancient engraving / etching look used in the Dracula portrait hanging in Van Helsing's study... is quite different. Sorry Dave. The meal it seems is on you 😕

ABOVE: Poster art by film poster art legend, #TomChantrell was used before production, maybe during Sir James's 'funding and lolly' tout' to provide the budget for Scars... an interesting poster that incorporate no elements from the actual film, as this was probably BEFORE the script was written. But the poster uses elements of Tom Chantrell's artwork of Dracula from the very popular 'Dracula has Risen from the Grave' cinema poster, with Tom himself posing as Dracula and a Jacqueline Pearce look a likey from 'Plague of the Zombies' or 'the Reptile' ??? Despite that, the artwork is typical Chantrell-amazing!' 

ABOVE: One of the campaign cinema posters used by Hammer's 'Scars of Dracula' featuring a DIFFERENT portrait and etching coloured style... this artwork was by artist Mike Vaughan...who also created the artwork on the double cinema poster for #HorrorofFrankenstein both films were released as a #doublebill in cinema's in the UK... 

'Candle lit 'Take-away supper' with your guest, Dave?' 
Christopher Lee in 'Scars of Dracula' 1970
MIND YOU, it could be much worse, it could be Dracula who is coming around for supper.. and a take away, might not 'cut it' 😲😨 Thanks for the opportunity to solve this one for you though! - Marcus

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, with features and prize competitions. All celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing OBE   

Tuesday, 29 March 2022


HERE'S A COUPLE OF POSTS a sample from the Facebook PCASuk Fan Page to kinda show you what you are missing out on commenting and debating about!  
ABOVE: BACK IN 2017, #Hammerfilms 60th anniversary, the British Film Institute selected what they considered to be the one stand out classic film for each of Hammer's golden production years, 1957 -1974. 
HMM. Personally my choice ... a few Cushing titles missed in those choice classics... is quite different. Do you agree on these best of 19?? titles? titles? The BEST Hammer film of THAT year? I'd love to see your choices! - Marcus 

BFI CHOICES: 1957: The Curse of Frankenstein : 1958: Dracula : 1959: The Hound of the Baskervilles : 1960: The Brides of Dracula : 1961: The Curse of the Werewolf : 1962: The Phantom of the Opera : 1963: The Kiss of the Vampire : 1964: The Gorgon : 1965: Fanatic : 1966: The Plague of the Zombies : 1967: Quatermass and the Pit : 1968: The Devil Rides Out : 1969: Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed : 1970: Taste the Blood of Dracula :1971: Hands of the Ripper : 1972: Vampire Circus : 1973: The Satanic Rites of Dracula  . .  and finally 1974: Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell 

NEWS: AFTER the success of #Serverin's #ChristopherLee Eurocrypt blu ray box set, many fans are busy thinking and speculating to the hoped for content of a #Volume2. Theatre of Death, The Creeping Flesh, Horror Castle, 'Uncle was a Vampire' and many more. 

HOWEVER, it looks as if the 1973 thriller, 'Dark Places' will be included in the box set, as Italian posters by artist Enzo Nistri, have been seen included already as printed covers for the box set. 'Dark Places' aka 'La Scala Della Follia' also stars #JoanCollins, #RobertHardy, #HerbertLom and directed by Don Sharp who directed #Hammerfilms 'Kiss of the Vampire', Chris Lee in 'Rasputin, the Mad Monk' and the 'Hammer House of Horror' tv series episode favourite ' "Guardian of the Abyss". Other titles of Volume 2 are still under wraps, but this 1973 little seen Christopher Lee tense thriller, should bring some smiles to Lee collectors? - Marcus

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YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, with features and prize competitions. All celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing OBE  
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