Sunday, 30 May 2021


SOMETIMES, you just need to get some fresh air and take a walk on the prom, the street or around the block. Especially if you've had a morning with fighting and 'fisty-cuffs with #VincentPrice, in amongst the smoke and deadly flames! This is a slightly different promo pic from the AIP/ #Amicusfilms 1974 'Madhouse'... I just can't help thinking what that poor by-stander, lady sitting at the bus stop, must have been thinking??

HERE'S A FILM that almost has a ‘marmite’ appeal to many! #PeterCushing’s role and screen time could have been longer, BUT the pay off is great. This may have been the FIRST time we saw ZOMBIES 'bobbing in the sea'? 😊 You think? Tells us here at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page  and maybe while you are there. . . .

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YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE    

Saturday, 29 May 2021


Following the very sad news of Shane Briant passing yesterday, I've had quite a few messages and requests, for more images of Shane.. so here are some lesser seen photographs, along with a beautiful message from the director of the last film Shane worked on in 2015, 'Sherlock Holmes vs Frankenstein' .. where Shane reprises the role he played as Peter Cushing's Frankenstein 'hands' and assistance 'Simon Helder' in 'Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell' for #Hammerfilms in 1974. 

"I had the sadness to learn today that Shane Briant had died. He was a wonderful human being, caring and funny, and he will be sorely missed. Ten years ago, he was literally the first person to support "Sherlock Holmes vs Frankenstein" - outside of friends and family. We met in Paris in August 2011, as he was on his way to a recording of a commentary track for "Frankenstein and the monster from hell" in London. He returned to Paris several times, on his own or with his dear wife Wendy, and each time we talked about making the movie, so he could play the part of Simon Helder one more time. Shane became a true friend, and his involvement went way beyond what is expected of an actor in a film project.

"In 2015, he backed the crowd-funding campaign in every way he could, filming videos, contacting friends and directors, and he committed to flying from Sydney to Paris on his own expenses, just to film a few scenes in character. The scenes were shot in 2016, and we were able to put together a promotional reel. Unfortunately, the project has been stalled for a few more years, and is only moving forward again this year. I am devastated that Shane will not be able to see the movie, and I hope the result will honour the efforts he put in supporting it. His legacy will forever be linked to Hammer movies, which he always was proud of. My thoughts are with Wendy, and with Shane's family."
Gautier Cazenave (director 'Sherlock Holmes vs Frankenstein')

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE  

Friday, 28 May 2021


I am extremely sad to share with you all, the terrible news that our good friend, Shane has passed away. To his wife Wendy, his family and friends, may we all extend our condolences. I will share an extension to this post later tomorrow. . please take the opportunity to share your any messages of condolences over at the post, just made available at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page . . - Marcus
Shane Briant was born London, England in 1946 . He was an English actor and novelist. He studied Law at Trinity College Dublin, but became a professional actor after playing the lead in 'Hamlet' at the Eblana Theatre, Dublin
Shane was probably best known for his roles in four quite different Hammer Films productions; Demons of the Mind, Straight on Till Morning, Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter, and Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell, in which he starred as Simon, along side Peter Cushing's Baron Frankenstein, Madeline Smith and the late, Dave Prowse. The work he said he enjoyed most was appearing with John Hurt in 'The Naked Civil Servant' as Norma in 1975, his role as Dorian in  The Picture of Dorian Gray in 1973 and his role in a very popular children's tv series in Australia, 'Mission Top Secret' Since the early 1980's Shane lived and worked as resident in Sydney, Australia with his wife Wendy. 

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions... all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Wilton Cushing OBE

Wednesday, 26 May 2021


TODAY IS A VERY SPECIAL DAY... Peter Wilton Cushing was born today, May 26th 1913.... Please join us in celebrating, leaving your comments and sharing our posts, to mark this very special day and help us to . . . keep the memory alive!

WE ARE SO LUCKY that Peter Cushing has left us such a large and varied body of work, from his appearances on TV, his writing and of course his film work. His roles for #HammerFilms as #Frankenstein, #VanHelsing #SherlockHolmes and even his portrayal of his #DrWho! And if that wasn't enough, the spirit of the man still echoes in everything we do here. When alive, Peter Cushing was so loved and respected, and that feeling and opinion is still very much alive in the spirit of our page, website, our posts and your comments and stories too. 

HIS ACTS OF KINDNESS are still remembered by many who met, worked and knew him. They continue to comment, write and share their stories here at our internet platforms. And editing our content here, is a real joy, when it's always received in the spirit of a man who made so many people happy, and left such an impression on everyone he met.

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE   

Tuesday, 25 May 2021


THIS HAS JUST BEEN SHARED AND POSTED at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page! IF you think you have the answers, why not whip over the the page and share it with everyone?? 😉 I'll be revealing the answers here and at the Facebook Page, tomorrow! 

TOMORROW May 26th marks Peter Cushing's Birthday! Good heavens, I am sure most of you know that . . .and that the following day May 27th marks #ChristopherLee and #VincentPrice birthdays! Many of you, have been very kind in taking the time to email and message me with a heads up.. that the quite superb documentary, 'For The Love of Helen' The Human Factor, is also being broadcast tomorrow, to mark Peter's birthday.

THERE IS MUCH to learn about Peter as well as Helen throughout the documentary, which is presented by Peter Williams, in 1990. Peter was 77 at the time, had already been diagnosed with cancer, and was only 4 years away from sadly passing, and 'joining Helen'. Helen died in 1971. It is, very personal and quite heart-wrenching at times, but an uplifting glimpse into the lives of 'HelenandPeter'... as he would sign.

PETER AS EVER, reminisces about Helen, with much to share and a few surprises for some, maybe? What kind of qualities she shared and her remarkable ability to always know just how to help him. It’s no exaggeration to say that she did, very much change his life.

Talking Pictures TV are airing Peter's episode of 'The Human Factor' tomorrow, from 5:30 to 6pm. Freeview 81, Sky 328: You can also find the full episode at our PCASUK Facebook Video Album selection. 

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE   


ABOVE is last Tuesday's 'FINAL WORDS' tester, that was posted and shared at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page and here at the website. Below are the answers. We'll be posting and sharing this week's first at the Facebook Fan Page, later today 😉 -Marcus 
ANSWER: Marie Stubbs, UK at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page,was the first to nail BOTH titles and pretty quickly. Well done, you! 😊 The last lines of Cushing's characters, were from 'Legend of the Werewolf' (Professor Paul Cataflanque) and 'The Uncanny' (Wilbur Gray). . .

WE POSTED THIS rare press photograph at the Facebook PCASUK Fan Page yesterday afternoon. It features #PeterCushing attending a film premier! We set the question, can you name the film and all the others attending in this rare press photograph?
IT IS A TRICKY ONE, but I will be revealing the ANSWERS here at the website, LATER today!

HAMMER FILM RARE IMAGES, contact sheets, interviews and features, catch them all at the PCASUK media platforms!

YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US and over 34,000 others Peter Cushing followers at the FACEBOOK PCASUK FAN PAGE! With posts every day, rare images and photographs, features and prize competitions.. all celebrating the LIFE and CAREER of Peter Cushing  OBE   
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