Friday 12 February 2021


NEWS: #Lucasfilm could release an extended version of Star Wars Rogue One! A picture of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story which has recently been shared on social media reveals a deleted scene of #DarthVader from the movie. Lucasfilm’s first Star Wars spin-off released in 2016, shed light on one of the rebels’ war episodes in their fight against the empire that followed the command and the rebel pilots who sacrificed their lives to steal the plans for the Star. of death. This action was essential to obtain the weak point of the space station and be able to destroy it in 'A New Hope'.

#PeterCushing was recreated via CGI to include Grand Moff Tarkin; meanwhile, a different actress was used as Princess Leia, but the visuals made her look a bit more like young Carrie Fisher. Finally, Darth Vader was also in the movie.

ALTHOUGH used sparingly, #RogueOne had one of its most iconic scenes in #StarWars yet: the terrifying hallway scene. But aside from this and a couple more appearances throughout the film, there was supposed to be another sequence that he was involved in. A still from that scene was recently revealed by #ILM animation director Hal Hickel. In the comments, he said that Vader was supposed to have a conversation with #Tarkin in this scene; unfortunately, he couldn’t remember what the dialogue was going to be!!!

IT'S NO SECRET that Rogue One went through some significant changes with script rewrites and new footage that ultimately altered the film’s final epic ending. This particular shot of Vader appeared in trailers for the film, but never appeared in the theatrical cut of the film. Hickel didn’t go into detail about why it was cut, but said it didn’t fit the final shape of the project, so they decided to scrap it. It’s understandable that fans in the comments are asking for more information. Some of them raised the idea of ​​Lucasfilm releasing an extended version with this particular moment and all other unused shots. Hickel responded that there is enough interest, and that it is not out of the question.

DEPENDING ON WHAT #Vader and Tarkin were talking about in the aforementioned scene, it could have been one of the best scenes in the movie that was eventually cut. The enduring appeal of 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ' is that it never lost sight of what it was supposed to be, with the focus on its main characters. But, he peppered enough references and cameos to effectively establish his place in the franchise, and the use of Vader was just enough not to outshine his main characters.

HMMM WELL, THEY CERTAINLY KNOW how to cast that hook huh? I can't wait to hear those lines and see that footage, plus I would think the extras would be something special too? What do you think?? - Marcus 

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