Thursday 5 April 2018


MAYBE MOST OF YOU are seeing the above banner and thinking, why is BETTE DAVIS and her birthday, included on a website about PETER CUSHING? Well, it's not really common knowledge that CUSHING was once cast along with DAVIS in a Hollywood film! Granted, the film sadly wasn't the best of movies, but it happened. JOHN PAUL JONES ironically was released when CUSHING'S film career was probably at it's highest in 1959. Some of Hammer films most popular box office films were also released during that time...and CUSHING starred in all of them! This film has such an interesting cast, that it too should have also been a smash. It's biggest problem, is the script, though some would also add some of that cast to the deadly mix too.

DESPITE JOHN PAUL JONES having a few problems during it's production, these didn't seem to bother PETER or his usual happy and fun attitude around these times. He WAS a great deal of fun and a practical joker back then . . . as STACK is discovering here, for himself!


BUT TODAY, we CELEBRATE the birthday of one of the players, that as always, gave a good performance. Granted, that performance is SHORT, just like CUSHING'S . . . but BETTE could play this one is her sleep. Sadly, our man didn't get any screen time with the birthday girl, but then again, neither he nor she got that much with ANYONE! TODAY we have also included FOUR GIFS from BETTE'S very successful film career, one where she too worked for a production company CUSHING knew very well too! See if you can identify  the TITLES of these movies and her character name! PLUS the names of the roles that she and CUSHING played in JOHN PAUL JONES! IF YOU CAN, email your suggestion to me here at PCAS and I will include your name in a BIG BANNER that I will be sharing and posting here at the website, THIS WEEKEND, when I will be revealing the answers! Good Luck. We are 




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